Freitag, 21. März 2025, 21:45:56

Breaking News: Laphroaig Cairdeas – Start auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben

Update 19 Uhr: Mit Nachricht von Distillery Manager John Campbell

Wegen technischer Probleme mit der Website wird der Laphroaig Cairdeas Quarter Cask Cask Strength Edition nicht wie angekündigt ab heute, 15 Uhr verfügbar sein, sondern erst zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt, der noch bekannt gegeben wird. Hier die Message im Originalwortlaut:

We’re delighted that our new website is so popular. However, this has caused us some technical issues and we can’t launch Cairdeas QC today, whilst we’re not sure all our Friends are all able to access their accounts. We don’t want anybody to miss out and we are working hard to get the site fixed and ready. We will be sure to give you plenty of time to access your account and get ready for the release of Cairdeas QC, please stay tuned for more updates.

Wir halten Sie auf dem Laufenden.

Update: Um 19 Uhr unserer Zeit postete John Campbell folgende zusätzliche Infos:

Dear Friends,

I appreciate your patience today.

As you may have seen, launching our new site hasn’t been without its teething problems. So, whilst we sort out the problems, we’ve decided to bring back our old site in the interim. Our 2017 Cairdeas due to be released today, is on hold… so you have not missed out. We will get this all right and ensure we give you plenty of notice to be able to plan your online purchase. It is important to me that all our Friends have a fair chance to add it to their collection.

Thank you

John Campbell

Update Freitag 19:00 – eine Nachricht vom Laphroaig-Team:

Your feedback has been very useful as we continue to work through our new website’s teething issues. We will send an email following our website relaunch to all our Friends to let them know the scheduled launch date for Cairdeas QC. The next update on the timing of this will be posted here next week. Wishing all our Friends a good weekend.

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