Schlechte Nachrichten für alle Fans des entspannten Whiskyfestivals in den Niederlanden: Maltstock 2022 musste leider abgesagt werden, und diesmal ist nicht die Pandemie der Grund dafür: Da die Location der Messe für die Unterbringung ukrainischer Flüchtlinge benötigt wird, kann Het Buitencentrum bis Ende Oktober dieses Jahres nicht gebucht werden. So hat man seitens der Veranstalter entschieden, die Maltstock in diesem Jahr ausfallen zu lassen.
Es besteht noch eine kleine Chance, eine Ersatzlocation zu finden, aber das Team ist eher eingestellt darauf, dieses Jahr noch einmal zu passen, berichtet
Hier das Schreiben der Veranstalter:
Important message about Maltstock 2022

I’m afraid some not so relaxed news has reached us. As you all know there’s currently a war going on. This has led to millions of people seeking a safe place to stay. With gladness we see countries all over Europe welcoming the refugees offering them safe harbor. Government in the Netherlands is seeking suitable accommodation for them throughout the country. It makes us feel proud that the Maltstock venue (Het Buitencentrum) is opening its doors and welcoming refugees. The relaxed thing to do.
Unfortunately, this also means that all bookings at Het Buitencentrum have been cancelled until at least 31 October. So there will be no Maltstock this year. And yes, this is of course very disappointing. Especially now we seem to have left the worst part of Covid behind us. But offering all those people, who had to flee from their country because of a war, a place where they can hopefully feel just a little bit relaxed is so, so much more important.
We were so looking forward to seeing you all again and enjoy a very relaxed Maltstock weekend. And we will. Next year. Dates are 08- 10 September 2023.
There’s also a slight chance we might move Maltstock to a different venue this year. But we haven’t had time yet to check and see what is possible. If anyone has a good suggestion, please do let us know.
But for now, sadly no Maltstock as we know it this year. Please put 08 – 10 September 2023 in your agenda!We all really hope that the world will be a much more relaxed place again soon, with no more war! Our thoughts are with all those that have lost their lives, their family, their friends, their homes.
Thank you all for understanding and hope we can share a relaxed dram together soon!
Relaxed greetings
Bob, Klaas, Stan & Teun
Wir freuen uns dann auf die Maltstock 2023 vom 8. bis 10. September…