Die in Loisville ansässige Mitcher’s Distillery verschiebt die für dieses Jahr geplante Veröffentlichung ihres Mitcher’s 10 yo Bourbon auf das kommende Jahr 2023. Obwohl ihre Abfüllungen auf dem Markt mit einer sehr großen Nachfrage bedacht werden, wartet die Brennerei lieber und gibt dem Bourbon noch weitere Zeit, um zu reifen. In einer Pressemitteilung (Sie finden diese im Anscluss) bemerkte Joseph J. Magliocco, Präsident von Michter’s, dass die Brennerei in den letzten Jahren öfter entschieden hat, bestimmte Angebote zurückzuhalten, um so dann auch ihrem Anspruch und Ziel, den besten amerikanischen Whiskey auf den Markt zu bringen, gerecht zu werden. Die unverbindliche Preisempfehlung steht allerdings wohl schon fest, Mitcher’s 10 yo Bourbon hat in den Vereinigten Staaten einen empfohlenen Verkaufspreis von 160 $ (entspricht etwa 145 €).
Alles Weitere zum kommenden Mitcher’s 10 yo Bourbon finden Sie in der folgenden englischsprachigen Pressemitteilung:
Presseartikel | Für den Inhalt ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich |
Michter’s 10 Year Bourbon Release Held Back Until 2023
LOUISVILLE, Ky., March 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Louisville-based Michter’s Distillery will be waiting until 2023 to release its 10 Year Bourbon.
„Over the more than two decades since we restarted Michter’s in Kentucky, we have had several years where we’ve chosen to hold back particular offerings,“ observed Michter’s President Joseph J. Magliocco. „Our goal is to put out the greatest American whiskey. When we think something is already wonderful, but will become spectacular with a bit more aging, we have not been shy about waiting to release it. When it comes to whiskey, there’s no substitute for patience and time.“
„I’m proud to be at a company that is so laser focused on offering top quality whiskey. This continues the protocol set by our late Master Distiller Willie ‚Dr. No‘ Pratt,“ commented Michter’s Master Distiller Dan McKee. Many years ago, Pratt earned this nickname from Michter’s Executive Vice President Steve Ziegler for his refusal to release any whiskey until he felt it was just right.

The Louisville-based distiller plans to keep the barrels originally slated to be bottled this year for one further year of aging. Michter’s Master of Maturation Andrea Wilson stated, „Bourbon enthusiasts often tell us how much they love our 10 Year Bourbon for its depth and complexity. While we know our Michter’s supporters will be disappointed, just know we are continuing to stay true to our philosophies of who we are as a company and as a brand by always delivering extraordinary whiskey to those who are willing to wait.“
Michter’s 10 Year Bourbon has a suggested retail price of $160 in the United States.
Michter’s has a rich and long legacy of offering traditional American whiskeys of uncompromising quality. With each of its limited production offerings aged to its peak maturity, Michter’s highly acclaimed portfolio includes bourbon, rye, sour mash whiskey, and American whiskey. Currently all types of Michter’s are being allocated because demand exceeds supply. In October 2021, Michter’s was named the Most Admired American Whiskey in a survey conducted in 25 countries. In January 2022, Michter’s was named the #1 Top Trending American Whiskey brand by Drinks International in their Annual Brands Report.
In addition to Michter’s Fort Nelson Distillery and Michter’s Shively Distillery, both located in Louisville, the company has its 205-acre farm and operations in Springfield, Kentucky. For more information, please visit www.michters.com, and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.