Bereist am Samstag wurden die Pläne der neuen Kythe Distillery vorgestellt. Doch zwei Umstände ließen uns etwas skeptisch werden: Wir fanden diese Pläne auf der Website des whiskysponge. Und zusätzlich war auch noch der 1. April, international bekannt, beliebt und berüchtigt als April Fools‘ Day. Nun, drei Tage später, scheint es so, als wären die Pläne der Kythe Distillery real.

Quelle: Website der Kythe Distillery
Unter der Leitung der Direktoren, distillery manager Jonny McMillan, chairman Aaron Chan und whisky maker Angus MacRaild (auch bekannt als whiskysponge) und mit Ronnie Cox als Brand Director Emeritus, entsteht auf der Farm Hills of Bendochy in Perthshire die neue Highland-Brennerei Kythe Distillery. Die neue Destillerie soll traditionellen Single Malt Scotch Whisky aus den Highlands im „alten Stil“ herstellen, darauf ist auch die gesamte Ausstattung der Brennerei ausgerichtet.
Der Maischebottich wird eine Kapazität von einer Tonne haben, sieben washbacks aus Holz ermöglichen Fermentations-Zeiten bis zu 14 Tagen. Die beiden Brennblasen werden direkt beheizt,wobei die Wash Still mit Holz (nachhaltig gewonnene, luftgetrocknete Holzscheite) befeuert werden soll, um so einen Whisky im alten Stil herstellen zu können, während die Spirit Still elektrisch beheizt ist. Beide Brennblasen erhalten Worm Tubs, in denen die Destillate jeweils kondensieren. Die Destillerie ist auf eine Jahreskapazität von ca. 50.000 Liter Whisky ausgelegt, was etwa 250 Fässer im Jahr entspräche. Die in der Destillation zum Einsatz kommende Gerste soll von lokal ansässigen Landwirten aus umweltverträglicher Produktion bezogen werden. Bereits Ende es kommenden Jahres sollen die Arbeiten an der Brennerei so weit abgeschlossen sein, dass mit der Produktion begonnen werden kann.

Die Kythe Distillery ist vollständig finanziert, das Unternehmen plant zusätzlich den Verkauf von Fässern an Privatpersonen und ausgewählte unabhängige Abfüller. Nähere Information dazu wie zur Destillerie finden sich auf der Website der Brennerei.
Addendum 5. April: Wir haben zu diesem Thema nun auch die Pressemitteilung der drei Initiatoren der Brennerei erhalten und bringen sie nachfolgend:
Presseartikel | Für den Inhalt ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich |
Kythe Distillery – a return to old-style highland distilling
Kythe is a new distillery presently in development at Hills of Bendochy farm in Perthshire. Kythe Distillery will make old-style, truly traditional, highland single malt Scotch whisky under the guidance of its directors: distillery manager Jonny McMillan, chairman Aaron Chan and whisky maker Angus MacRaild.
Kythe – a Scots word meaning to show, prove or demonstrate – will be a working distillery where the sole purpose is to pursue the creation of a beautiful, old-style highland whisky. The distillery will operate with an ideological focus on absolute quality, with many of the most historic whiskies ever bottled acting as the benchmark against which the directors are measuring their success.
The project has been conceived, founded and fully funded by lifelong whisky enthusiasts who wish to see the styles, flavours and qualities of long-extinct, true highland malt whiskies made again. Included in this roster of supporters is Ronnie Cox a 45-year whisky-industry veteran who will serve as brand director emeritus.
Aaron Chan, leading a consortium of whisky drinkers in Hong Kong who have backed the distillery, said “Over the past 10 years, Hong Kong’s whisky fans have been catching up very fast when it comes to Scotch whisky culture. We have started specialised whisky bars, whisky retailers, importers, exporters and independent bottlers. The final piece of the puzzle is for us to help create a whisky distillery in Scotland – Kythe is that distillery.”
Kythe will produce an estimated 50,000 litres of pure alcohol per year, equivalent to around 250 casks. The distilling team will work closely with local farmers to source protein-rich, heritage and brewing barley varieties. The distillery’s 1 tonne mash tun will feed clear wort into seven wooden fermenters capable of delivering fermentation times consistently in excess of two weeks. The resultant distillation will take place in a wood-fired wash still, complemented by an electrically
heated spirit still, both condensing through worm tubs – a return to true direct firing with wood and old-style production, all in the service of creating old-style Scotch whisky.
Angus MacRaild offers
“While I have often been critical of contemporary Scotch whisky’s quality and direction, I don’t believe in simply being critical. I have always wanted to make whisky, to put my ideas into practice, put my money where my mouth is, and to create a charismatic and very specifically ‚old style‘ single malt. In my view, efficiency is the enemy of character when it comes to Scottish single malts, and with Kythe we can start to test this and be part of a growing movement that is changing the direction of Scottish single malt whisky for the better.”
This production process, utilising sustainably sourced, air-seasoned logs for direct firing, will also ensure Kythe has very low carbon emissions in comparison to other distilleries of similar scale, reducing emissions by 94% in comparison with a similar sized, kerosene-boiler distillery. This is to be an authentically green and environmentally conscious endeavour that seeks to continuously improve these aspects into the future. The distillery team will also work to support high regenerative standards with our farming partners, and invest in the maintenance and improvement of the local environment and landscape.
Jonny McMillan comments
„We’re focused on making a spirit which is noble in every respect, not just a grand cru malt whisky. With locally sourced, ethically grown barley and environmentally sustainable production, Kythe has a shot at making something profound, authentic and truly beautiful.“
Kythe Distillery is fully funded, with production scheduled to commence in late 2024. However, as part of its planned financing programme, the company will launch limited cask purchasing opportunities for private individuals and selected independent bottlers. Full details, and the chance to sign up to the company’s newsletter to hear about the cask purchasing programme, are available via its website (
Kythe can also be followed via its social media pages:
Facebook: @kythedistillery Instagram: @kythedistillery