Die Loch Lomond Brewery ist eine kleine Craft Brewery, die bereits seit 2011 existiert (ihr Anfänge nahm sie in einer kleinen Lagerhalle nahe der Loch Lomond Distillery). Nun hat man seitens der Brewery die Gründung der Dalrigh Distillery bekanntgegeben und angekündigt, dort mit der Produktion von Whisky zu beginnen.
Man wird sich in der Brennerei in Dumbarton, so Fiona MacEarchern, Managing Director der Loch Lomond Brewery, dem widmen, was man von der Pike auf in der Brauerei gelernt hat: Echten Craft Whisky mit strikt lokalen Zutaten zu produzieren (auch Gin und Rum sollen dort hergestellt werden). Es sollen in der Dalrigh Distillery die Kenntnisse, die man sich bei Gerste und Hefe erarbeitet hat, in interessante Whiskys umgesetzt werden, zum Teil als Single Malts, zum Teil als Basis für Blends. Qualität stünde dabei im Vordergrund. So beschreibt man auf der Webseite die eigene Mission:
Dalrigh Distillery is an evolution of the award winning Loch Lomond Brewery. Brewing world class beers since 2011 we have been looking very closely at the similarities in beer and grain spirits and have decided we can add value to the great work of existing Scottish whisky and gin distilleries.
Eigenbeschreibung auf der Webseite der Dalrigh Distillery
With a huge passion to do things right, from scratch and with no shortcuts we firmly believe that by making the wash and distilling the base alcohol for our gin we will create a superior spirit both in flavour and provenance. This is something that is rarely done. We will also look towards more seasonal varieties as we look to harvest botanicals at their prime be it Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter.
Our approach to whisky is to acknowledge the traditional wisdom that the wood does a great deal of the work in making scotch what it is. But there is so much more work that can be done in the brewing and distilling process be that from the choice of barleys, through to yeast strains and both time and temperature of the fermentation. We will create incredible single malt whisky following these principles. And as for the much underrated single grain whisky, there is so much we can do with our knowledge as craft brewers of oats, wheat, corn and other grains.
So much is possible from Dalrigh (the field of the king) Distillery. But what about the name? There are so many stories and legends from the area we find ourselves in, from the majesty of Loch Lomond to the north and the industry of the River Clyde to the south. Our brewery and distillery is but a stones throw from the former home of Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland. Dal (field) Righ (King) has leant itself to a few areas around Scotland, including the Highland hamlet near Tyndrum where the Bruce faced his last defeat before gathering his thoughts and strength and taking on Edwards army at Bannockburn, and Dalreoch just a mile away. It is from the former grounds of the Bruce Estate, the field of the king that we bring the barley and cereals from the fields of Scotland and produce spirits fit for a king, or queen.
Die Dalrigh Distillery wird 2023 nur 100 Fässer mit Whisky füllen, 50 davon können in einem Programm namens Dalrigh Founders‘ Club von Investoren erworben werden. Das 200l-Bourbonfass kostet dort inkl. Lagerung für 10 Jahre 6.000 Pfund – mit allen Nebenkosten und Steuern ergäbe das pro erwarteter Flasche für einen Käufer in UK einen Flaschenpreis von knapp über 38 Pfund, wie man auf der Seite vorrechnet.