Fast pünktlich ein Jahr nach der letzten Veröffentlichung kommt aus Lousiville, Kentucky, die Ankündigung des neuen Michter’s kündigt US*1 Barrel Strength Rye, diesmal in der Edition 2022. Ob die neue Abfüllung auch in diesem Jahr nicht nur in den USA erscheinen wird, sondern auch auf anderen internationalen Märkten (über den Status für Deutschland wissen wir noch nichts), bleibt abzuwarten.
In den USA muss man wie schon im Vorjahr mit einem Preis von 100 Dollar für den mit 55,8% vol. abgefüllten Rye rechnen.
Das Essentielle über den neuen Michter’s kündigt US*1 Barrel Strength Rye Edition 2022 zusammengefasst in der nachfolgenden Presseaussendung:
Presseartikel | Für den Inhalt ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich |
Michter’s Announces 2022 Release Of US*1 Barrel Strength Rye
LOUISVILLE, Ky., March 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Master Distiller Dan McKee and Master of Maturation Andrea Wilson have approved the release of Michter’s US*1 Barrel Strength Rye. Shipment to distributors and importers begins this month.
Michter’s US*1 Barrel Strength Rye is a single barrel product, and the average proof of the barrels in this March 2022 release is 111.6 proof. „Our barrel strength whiskey is always stunning, and this release continues to deliver a bold experience with layers of sweetness and spice along with gentle oak maturity,“ observed Wilson.
McKee commented,
„At Michter’s, we’ve put out some terrific Barrel Strength Rye over the years. Personally, I love this 2022 release for its richness, complexity and depth. It’s a perfect representation of our Michter’s house style.“
„Dan and Andrea are our ultimate gatekeepers, they’ve continued the tradition set by our late Master Distiller Willie Pratt and our Master Distiller Emerita Pam Heilmann of not releasing something unless they feel the whiskey is just right.“
Michter’s President Joseph J. Magliocco
The suggested retail price in the United States is $100 for a 750ml bottle of Michter’s US*1 Barrel Strength Rye.
Michter’s has a rich and long legacy of offering traditional American whiskeys of uncompromising quality. With each of its limited production offerings aged to its peak maturity, Michter’s highly acclaimed portfolio includes bourbon, rye, sour mash whiskey, and American whiskey. Currently all types of Michter’s are being allocated because demand exceeds supply. In October 2021, Michter’s was named one of the Most Admired American Whiskey in a survey conducted in 25 countries. In January 2022, Michter’s was named the #1 Top Trending American Whiskey brand by Drinks International in their Annual Brands Report.
In addition to Michter’s Fort Nelson Distillery and Michter’s Shively Distillery, both located in Louisville, the company has its 205-acre farm and operations in Springfield, Kentucky. For more information, please visit, and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.