Dienstag, 25. März 2025, 13:35:43

Fassprogramm der Uilebheist Distillery in Inverness startet – 100 Fässer im Verkauf (jetzt mit PR)

Das Programm enthält zwei verschiedene Fassgrößen: First Fill ex-Bourbon (200l) und First Fill ex-Sherry (250 Liter Hogshead)

Die Uilebheist Distillery ist die erste Brennerei, die in Inverness seit 130 Jahren entsteht (unsere Vorstellung der Brennerei aus dem Juni finden Sie hier) – und um die Anlauffinanzierung zu unterstützen, legt man dort jetzt ein Fasskaufprogramm über 100 Fässer auf, ca. die Hälfte der geplanten Jahresproduktion von 200 bis 250 Fässern.

Das Programm enthält zwei verschiedene Fassgrößen: First Fill ex-Bourbon (200l) für 6.000 Pfund und First Fill ex-Sherry (250 Liter Hogshead) für 7.500 Pfund. Die Fässer werden mit Spirit, der mit Hilfe einer mit Brewers‘ Ale Hefe vergorenen Mash gebrannt wurde.

Im Fasspreis enthalten sind 10 Jahre Lagerung und die Versicherung vom Fülldatum weg. Man kann sich, sollte man wie von der Brennerei empfohlen mit 46% vol. abfüllen, ca. 280 Flaschen aus dem ex-Bourbonfass erwarten, und ca. 360 Flaschen aus dem ex-Hogshead.

Zum Fasspreis kommen dann noch die Kosten der Abfüllung, die Transportkosten fürs Fass sowie Zoll bei der Ausfuhr und 20% Mehrwertsteuer dazu, was den Preis von 7.500 Pfund auf ca. 14.000 Pfund erhöhen würde.

Hier noch die PR, die wir nach dem Erscheinen unseres Artikels erhalten haben:

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The first distillery to be built in the city of Inverness for 130 years is offering the public the opportunity to own a cask of whisky produced in its very first year of operating. Uilebheist Distillery has released 100 numbered casks as part of its programme.

Ex-bourbon and ex-sherry casks are available to purchase with a minimum maturation period of ten years, with cask owners having the opportunity to visit and sample their cask during its maturation. Just 200-250 casks will be produced each year, making the whisky one of the rarest in the country.

Uilebheist (phonetic spelling EWL-uh-vehst) is named after the Scots’ Gaelic word for ‘monster’. The new £6 million whisky distillery and brewery will be sustainably powered by the water from the nearby River Ness and create around 40 jobs in the Highland capital.

Much of the power used by the distillery and brewery will be generated by its own specially built on-site energy centre, with any additional power going back into the grid, making it one of the most sustainable producers in Scotland and saving an estimated 250 tonnes of carbon each year.

Master Distiller, Bruce Smith said:

“Our cask program is an opportunity for whisky lovers to join us at the very beginning of our whisky journey with spirit produced in the heart of Inverness, right on the banks of the river. We see this as an opportunity for people from near and far to own a piece of local whisky history, with Uilebheist being the first distillery to operate in the region of Inverness for 40 years, and the first to be built in the city for 130 years.”

“Uilebheist will be a Highland Single Malt like no other, because of our fresh and innovative approach to whisky making that leaves almost no carbon footprint, whilst maintaining the traditional principles that have been used in Scotland for hundreds of years.

“The wash will be fermented with our own brewer’s ale yeast for a unique character, and distilled in bespoke pot stills from Kasper Schultz in Germany. They’re producing a taller still, designed to give us unprecedented control over our new make spirit. Being a small batch craft distiller, every step of the process will be meticulously managed to ensure every drop of Uilebheist Single Malt is worth the wait.

“The interest at this early stage in our casks has been astounding and with only 100 casks available we anticipate high demand.”

The distillery is on track to be one of the lowest carbon distilleries in the country. Onsite heat pumps within the adjoined sustainability centre which are powered by the water from the River Ness will provide heating and hot water which is also distributed throughout the Glen Mhor Hotel complex. The process will be the first of its kind in Scotland and further development stages are planned which will see significant expansions to the site.

For more information and to register your interest please email casks@uilebheist.com

About the cask programme:

The Uilbeheist cask programme is an opportunity to own a cask of the Uilebheist Single Malt Whisky distilled in the first year of opening. Only 100 casks will be made available this year and they will be sold on a first come first served basis. For more information on the cask programme please contact casks@uilebheist.com

About Uilebheist:

Rising from the banks of the River Ness, Uilebheist (Gaelic for ‘monster’) is a new low carbon craft distillery and visitor experience, dedicated to the arts of Scotch Malt Whisky distilling and brewing, using some of the most advanced stills in Scotland engineered by the world renowned coppersmiths – Kasper Schultz.

The first new distillery to be built in Inverness for 130 years, Uilebheist’s arrival signals the welcome return of brewing and distilling to the capital of the Highlands, once the chief malting town in Scotland.

Production methods are innovative and original but maintain the principles of single malt scotch production as they have been for hundreds of years in the Highlands of Scotland. The whisky has been designed and overseen by Master Distiller Bruce Smith, with a masters degree in Brewing & Distilling from Herriot-Watt University and a wealth of experience in the craft beer industry – working extensively with maturing beer in oak casks. Bruce applies new world craft beer principles to the Scotch Whisky industry.

Uilebheist will be a Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky like no other, wash fermented with brewers ale yeast for a unique character, bespoke stills designed to give unprecedented control over the new make spirit and the highly meticulous cask selection process for maturation in ex-bourbon and ex-sherry casks as well as some unique casks from around the globe.

Origins, inspired by folklore:

Uilebheist: (phonetic spelling) EWL-uh-vehst

Uilebheist means ‘monster’ in Scots Gaelic. Born out of thousands of years of Scottish folklore, Uilebheist rises from the banks of the River Ness, ushering in a new era of kinship and storytelling.

Connecting Scotland’s ancient past with its present, Uilebheist breathes new life into the monsters, myths and legends that have captivated and enthralled humankind ever since we first sat around the fire in caves.

About the product:

Uilebheist Whisky:


Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky

Key whisky making features:

  • Ex-bourbon and ex-sherry maturation
  • Highly selective cut points in distillation process
  • Uilebheist Brewers Yeast to create a unique flavour
  • Locally grown malted barley
  • Natural colour and non-chill filtered

Target Tasting Notes:

Butterscotch, candied citrus peel, raisins and sultanas, delicate wood spices, vanilla (all subject to trialling)

Production size:

Highly rare – annual production is only 200-250 casks.

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