Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 19:20:22

Ian Macleod’s Blending Room und students der Heriot-Watt University mit einem one-cask blended Scotch whisky

Es ist die erste gemeinsame Abfüllung zwischen dem International Center for Brewing and Distilling und den Ian Macleod Distillers - Das Projekt soll zu einer jährlichen limitierten Abfüllung werden

Gemeinsam mit Euan Martin, Matt Priaulx, Kellan Cowan und Jake Adcook, die 21/22 den Dr.-Chris-Greig-Preis für das „Beste Destillationsprojekt eines schottischen Studenten“ gewannen, kreierte Ian Macleod’s Blending Room einen Blended Scotch Whisky, der nur in einem Fass lagerte. Dieser Blend ist das Ergebnis eines wissenschaftlichen Kurses an der Heriot-Watt University. Hierbei ging es darum, eine ideale Methode für die Veredelung von Blended Scotch Whisky in einem jungfräulichen Fass aus amerikanischer Eiche zu finden, wobei vier Schlüsselvariablen betrachtet wurden: Füllstärke, Mischungsformulierung, Zeit im Fass und Toast-/Verkohlungsgrad des Fasses.

Es ist die erste gemeinsame Abfüllung zwischen dem International Center for Brewing and Distilling und Ian Macleod Distillers. Und dieses Projekt soll zukünftig fortgeführt werden. Angedacht ist eine jährliche Wiederholung, die dann jeweils eine limitierte Abfüllung als Ergebnis hat.

Ian Macleod Blending Room 01: Heriot Watt Release kam mit 44,4 % Vol. in die 250 verfügbaren Flaschen und ist direkt Ian Macleod für £35 erhältlich (der Versand ist nur eingeschränkt möglich):

Weitere Details, wie die students diese Erfahrung bewerten sowie natürlich Fotos des Projekts folgen hier in der englischsprachigen Pressemitteilung:

PresseartikelFür den Inhalt ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich

Cask-strength coursework: Ian Macleod’s Blending Room collaborates with students at Heriot-Watt University on one-cask blended Scotch whisky

Ian Macleod’s Blending Room has today announced the release of a limited-edition blended Scotch whisky, the result of a collaboration with distilling stars of tomorrow from The International Centre for Brewing and Distilling at Heriot-Watt University.

A team of four students worked with Ian Macleod Distillers to identify an ideal method for finishing blended Scotch whisky in a virgin American-oak cask, looking at four key variables: Fill Strength, Blend Formulation, Time in Cask, and Toast/Char level.

The result is a one-cask release which is equal parts ‘A+ coursework’ and a Master Blender-certified dram. The whisky spent 3 months finishing in virgin American oak, giving an enriched nose of smooth toffee and coconut with a warming base of clove and cinnamon. On the palate, a luxurious coating of sweet coffee and rich chocolate, finishing with spice and lively oak character. The perfect fireside dram for Christmas.

It’s the first collaborative bottling between The International Centre for Brewing and Distilling, and Ian Macleod Distillers, and the project is set to become an annual limited-edition release.

What’s more, the impact of this partnership will remain a key part of this Heriot-Watt course year-round, with Ian Macleod Distillers gifting equipment to the University’s sensory suite to aid the studies of the students.

Emma Newton, Blender at Ian Macleod Distillers, said:

“Ian Macleod Distillers has a storied history in distilling and long-earned expertise in blending, so I think it’s fitting that we’ve had the chance to share this experience with the distillers and blenders of tomorrow from the Brewing and Distilling MSc at Heriot-Watt University. As a graduate of this programme, it has been a brilliant collaboration and the students should be proud as they’ve created a delightful dram!”

Annie Hill, Professor at Heriot-Watt University, said:

“The students I have worked with have been given an experience that will help elevate their career in the whisky world. We have blended something really special and one that myself and Ian Macleod’s Blending Room are really proud of.”

The four students who took part in the project are Euan Martin, Matt Priaulx, Kellan Cowan, and Jake Adcook, who won the prestigious Dr Chris Greig Prize for the ‘Best distilling project by a Scottish student’ in 2021-2022.

Reflecting on his experience, Matt Priaulx, said:

“A massive thank you to Ian Macleod’s Blending Room for the opportunity to learn and gain the expertise from the best in the business. To be part of such a special bottling has been such an enriching experience. I look forward to sharing a dram with my fellow course members and our supervisor, Prof Annie Hill, who has been on the journey with us.”

Bottled at 44.4% ABV, the Ian Macleod Blending Room 01: Heriot Watt Release is available to purchase
direct from Ian Macleod’s Blending Room for £35

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