Montag, 17. März 2025, 00:27:33

PR: Tobermory, Bunnahabhain und Deanston arbeiten mit The BEN zusammen, um Menschen im Gastgewerbe zu unterstützen

Zehn Prozent aller Einnahmen durch Produktverkäufe in den Onlineshops gehen an die Scottish Licensed Trade Benevolent Society

In Schottland machen sich Destillerien darüber Gedanken, wie man das durch die Corona-Pandemie in Mitleidenschaft gezogene Gastgewerbe unterstützen kann. In der Distell Group, der die Brennereien Tobermory, Bunnahabhain und Deanston gehört, setzt man dabei auf eine Zusammenarbeit mit The BEN, der Scottish Licensed Trade Benevolent Society. Man spendet 10% aller Einnahmen aus den Whiskyverkäufen in den Online-Shops an diese gemeinnützige Organisation.

Dazu haben wir eine englischsprachige Pressemitteilung erhalten, die wir gerne mit Ihnen teilen:

Distilleries joins forces with The BEN to support Scotland’s

hospitality workers

Tobermory, Bunnahabhain and Deanston Distilleries, have today announced they are donating 10% of all product sales through their online stores to The BEN – in aid of Scottish hospitality industry workers affected by Covid-19.

The BEN is offering vital social, emotional, and financial support to the licensed trade, with Covid-19 leading to an unprecedented demand for their services, as the circumstances of hundreds of thousands of hospitality workers continues to change.

As well as its 10% pledge, the three distilleries are also encouraging staff and consumers to pledge their own support to The BEN via their JustGiving page.

Fraser Thornton, Managing Director of Distell International, said:

„The industry is facing one of the most challenging periods in its history and there are many individuals in our communities who have been severely impacted by the recent lockdown.

“The BEN is playing a fantastic role in providing direct assistance when its needed most, whether that’s financially, emotionally, or socially. Together with their support, we can overcome this.”

At a local level, employees at Deanston Distillery, in partnership with Community Action for Deanston and Deanston Support Group has been providing soup from its café to vulnerable groups and school children in the surrounding community.

The distilleries have also launched engagement activity online to help keep consumers entertained during lockdown – with Bunnahabhain running a live whisky masterclass on International Whisky Day last week for those enjoying a Friday dram from home.

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