Eine interessante Entdeckung hat Malt Maniac Oliver Klimek gemacht: Whisky.de, der Webshop des Ehepaars Lüning (die genauen Eigentumsverhältnisse kann man dem Impressum entnehmen) hat die Domain whisky.com gekauft und bereitet anscheinend einen englischsprachigen Ableger seines Angebots vor:
Nachtrag: Hier ist die englischsprachige Pressemitteilung dazu:
Seeshaupt, Germany 12/27/2013 – Germany’s leading whisky company The Whisky Store today announced the purchase of the Internet domain Whisky.com. The newly launched website aims to become the most comprehensive global whisky related website in the course of 2014.
The three centerpieces of the new Whisky.com web presence will be an outstanding content-rich knowledge site, a virtual community, and a large whisky database including hundreds of bottlings.
The extensive already existing content from The Whisky Store – that currently has more than 13 million page views per month and over 33,000 unique daily visitors – will now be made available in English to the global market. Whisky.com will soon present more than 1,000 written web pages and around 10,000 photos about whisky distilleries and products.
In addition, Whisky.com will offer a free whisky book with several hundred pages and an audio edition.
The community will include an expert-guided forum, an online chat, and a daily blog about the latest news from the whisky world as well as many tasting videos.
As a third pillar, whisky connoisseurs will be able to access a huge whisky database with countless photos and to share tasting notes with other users.
Whisky.com will quickly grow to become the main global whisky portal with estimated page views of several millions per day. Please stay tuned and join this unique community which will be the perfect home to all whisky friends.
The selling price of Whisky.com will be released March 2014.
PS: Auch Whiskyexperts.net hat einen englischsprachigen Schläfer in petto, der aber momentan aus Kapazitätsgründen (noch) ruht…
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