Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2025, 19:35:50

45 Personen bei Zeremonie im Blair Castle als neue Keepers of the Quaich aufgenommen

Im Rahg wurde zudem die walisische Sportreporterin Gabby Logan MBE zum Honorary Keeper of the Quaich ernannt

Das Frühjahrsbankett der Keepers of the Quaich fand gestern in den Räumlichkeiten des Blair Castle statt – und 45 neue Master und Keeper wurden bei der 65. Veranstaltung dieser Art in die Ränge der Keepers of the Quaich aufgenommen. Unter ihnen war auch Gabby Logan MBE, die bekannte walisische Fernsehmoderatorin, die unter anderem Sendungen wie Sports Personality of the Year als Co-Moderatorin für die BBC. Sie wurde Honorary Keeper of the Quaich, eine Ehre, die bislang nur 62 Personen weltweit zuteil wurde.

Hier die Presseaussendung der Organisatoren zum gestrigen Event:

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Global celebration of Scotch Whisky

The global success of Scotch Whisky has been celebrated with 45 new members of the Keepers of the Quaich being inducted into the international society at a private ceremony held at Blair Castle in Blair Atholl on Monday 3rd April 2023. This is the 65th Ceremony and Banquet to take place here.

Gabby Logan MBE was the Guest of Honour and was awarded the title of Honorary Keeper. Only 62 guests have been awarded the title of Honorary Keeper of the Quaich.

Keepers of the Quaich was established by the Scotch Whisky industry to recognise the outstanding commitment of those involved in the production, promotion or protection of the world’s finest spirit. To qualify, new Keepers must have worked in the industry for a minimum of seven years and the accolade is in recognition of their personal contribution to Scotch Whisky.

Since the foundation of the Society, just over 3,000 men and women from more than 100 countries have received the honour. A select few have subsequently been distinguished as Master of the Quaich having served for a further 10 years and been recognised by their peers for their ongoing support of the aims of the Society. Collectively, the Society represents many thousands of years of experience and knowledge.

“Scotch Whisky was, and remains, the first global spirit and Keepers of the Quaich exists to recognise and celebrate the exceptional contribution of people working in all aspects of the industry, all over the world. At the ceremony we inducted new Keepers from no less than 15 different countries which demonstrates the continued popularity of Scotch Whisky.”

Ian Smith, Chairman of the Society

While the induction of new Keepers of the Quaich happens only in Scotland, the Society is supported by international chapters in key export markets including Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Germany, India, the Netherlands, the Nordics, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and the United States of America.

Blair Castle. Von David Monniaux – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0,

About the Keepers of the Quaich

The Keepers of the Quaich is an international society which was established by the Scotch Whisky industry to celebrate the outstanding commitment of those involved in the production, promotion and protection of the world’s finest distilled spirit.

Only a limited number of people are inducted as a Keeper each year to honour those who have made an exceptional contribution in supporting Scotch Whisky. A robust selection process is a fundamental aspect of the Society: potential candidates can only be nominated and seconded by existing Keepers or Masters and they must have been associated with Scotch Whisky for at least seven years.

Since the foundation of the Society, just over 3,000 men and women from more than 100 countries have received the honour. Together with the select few that have served a further 10 years and who have subsequently been distinguished as Master of the Quaich, they represent thousands of years of shared experience and knowledge.

Following successful nomination and unanimous ratification by the Management Committee, new Keepers and Masters are inducted at a private ceremony held twice a year when the Society meets in the Scottish Highlands at Blair Castle, the ancient and historic home of the Earls and Dukes of Atholl.

The Keepers of the Quaich also supports international chapters of the Society in key markets of the world where members continue to promote the values and prestigious image of Scotch Whisky. There are currently international chapters in Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Germany, India, the Netherlands, the Nordics, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and the United States of America.

The Society takes its name from the traditional two-handled drinking cup which is described in the ancient Gaelic language of Scotland as a ‘cuach’ or quaich, a vessel long associated with friendship and the enjoyment of Scotch Whisky.

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