Samstag, 14. September 2024, 19:34:17

Keepers of the Quaich ernennen 8 neue Master und 47 neue Keeper (mit Fotos)

Mit der Liste der neuen Master of the Quaich - und einigen Fotos von der Veranstaltung

In einem Festakt auf Blair Castle (der 64. Zeremonie seit dem Bestehen) haben die Keepers of the Quaich acht neue Master und 47 neue Keeper aus über 20 Ländern weltweit aufgenommen. Als Master werden jene Keeper geehrt, die zumindest zehn Jahre den Keeper-Titel tragen und sich in dieser Zeit durch herausragende Verdienste um schottischen Whisky ausgezeichnet haben.

Die Liste der neuen Master of The Quaich haben wir hier für Sie zusammengestellt:

  • Tudor Furir, Managing Director, Pernod Ricard Romania
  • Rita Greenwood, Managing Director EMEA, William Grant & Sons Ltd
  • Fred Laing, Managing Director, Douglas Laing & Co Ltd
  • Stewart Laing, Director, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
  • Nelson Lin, Sales Director, Distell International Ltf
  • Stuart Nickerson, Managing Director, The malt Whisky Company
  • Maureen Robinson, Master Blender, Diageo
  • Karen Walker, Consultant, Walk-In Consulting

Mit der Presseaussendung haben wir auch einige Fotos vom Festakt auf Blair Castle erhalten, die einen Einblick in das ausgesprochen schottische Fest geben. Alle Bilder mit Copyright Keepers of the Quaich:

PresseartikelFür den Inhalt ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich

Celebrating Scotch Whisky

The Keepers of the Quaich is an international society which was established by the Scotch Whisky industry to celebrate the outstanding commitment of those involved in the production, promotion and protection of the world’s finest distilled spirit.

Only a limited number of people are inducted as a Keeper each year to honour those who have made an exceptional contribution in supporting Scotch Whisky. A robust selection process is a fundamental aspect of the Society: potential candidates can only be nominated and seconded by existing Keepers or Masters and they must have been associated with Scotch Whisky for at least seven years.

Since the foundation of the Society, just over 2,950 men and women from more than 100 countries have received the honour. Together with the select few that have served a further ten years and who have subsequently been distinguished as Master of the Quaich, they represent thousands of years of shared experience and knowledge.

Following successful nomination and unanimous ratification by the Management Committee, new Keepers and Masters are inducted at a private ceremony held twice a year when the Society meets in the Scottish Highlands at Blair Castle, the ancient and historic home of the Earls and Dukes of Atholl.

The Keepers of the Quaich also supports international chapters of the Society in key markets of the world where members continue to promote the values and prestigious image of Scotch Whisky. There are currently international chapters in Germany, Brazil, Australia, South Africa,

the Netherlands, the Nordics, the United Arab Emirates, the United States of America, India and Turkey.

The Society takes its name from the traditional two-handled drinking cup which is described in the ancient Gaelic language of Scotland as a ‘cuach’ or quaich, a vessel long associated with friendship and the enjoyment of Scotch Whisky.

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