Mittwoch, 26. März 2025, 20:15:38

Ardbeg baut neues Still House – verdoppelt Kapazität auf vier Stills

Die Produktion wird während der Bauphase nicht eingeschränkt

Interessante Neuigkeiten haben Committee-Members gerade von Ardbeg bekommen: Die Islay-Destillerie wird bis 2019 ein neues Still House bauen und damit die Kapazitäten verdoppeln. Ebenso wird ein neuer Boiler Room gebaut werden. Die Produktion soll während der Bauphase wietergehen. Hier die Nachricht im Original:

Dear Committee Member,

We’ve come a long way since re-opening the mothballed Ardbeg Distillery in 1997. This is due in no small part to you, the Ardbeg Committee. Now the Distillery is undergoing a momentous change. And true to form, we wanted you to be the first to hear about it.

As you know, in the world of whisky Ardbeg is a giant, but in this little corner of the world we’re still small by comparison to our Islay neighbours. In fact, we’re the second smallest distillery on the island. But such is the demand for Ardbeg we have decided (after much deliberation) that it is now time for the Distillery to slightly expand.

…but still the same Ardbeg

So plans are a-foot (and currently with the local Council) for a new Still House to allow us to add two more stills, making a grand total of four. In addition, we’re already steaming ahead with the construction of a shiny new Boiler Room.

Rest assured, the iconic white buildings that are now a fixture on Islay’s southern coast aren’t going anywhere. Our new Still House will be very much in keeping with the original Distillery we all know and love. In fact it will sit where several erstwhile warehouses (demolished around 1980) once stood. We’re looking forward to bringing back to life this little corner of the Distillery, restoring it to its former glory.

And while the Distillery lads will enjoy tinkering with the new equipment, we won’t be tampering with the whisky. We’ll still be taking our time crafting every drop of Ardbeg with the love and care it deserves.

A massive thanks

If we get the go-ahead, the work will begin this year for completion in 2019. Meanwhile, the Distillery will be welcoming Committee Members and visitors as usual.

We’ll keep you informed as to the comings and goings – we might even have one or two special surprises up our sleeves just for you. After all, without our Committee Members, we might not be here at all. So here’s to the men and women that have built Ardbeg through the years!


Ardbeg. Bild © Jochen Wied

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