Crisp Malt hat die Pläne für eine Erweiterung ihrer Portgordon Maltings in Moray bei den Behörden eingereicht und den Dialog mit der lokalen Bevölkerung über die Ausbaupläne begonnen.
Geplant ist, die Kapazität des bestehenden Werkes von 42.000 Tonnen jährlich auf 162.000 Tonnen zu steigern, also fast zu vervierfachen. Grund dafür, so Crisp Malt, sei der gestiegene Bedarf der schottischen Whiskyindustrie an gemälzter Gerste. Man will dann 2027 mit der Produktion in der erweiterten Anlage beginnen – die die effizienteste in ganz UK sein soll.
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New Maltings to Help Reduce Whisky’s Carbon Footprint
Plans have been submitted for a new state-of-the-art maltings in Moray.
Portgordon Maltings, part of premium malt manufacturer Crisp Malt, has lodged a planning application with Moray Council with the intent to develop a sustainable maltings on the grounds of its current site on the Moray Coast.
Due to ever increasing demand from the distilling sector, there is a real need to invest in malting capacity in Scotland to support the long-term growth of Scottish distilling.
The new maltings will be powered by the best available energy technologies making it one of the most efficient maltings in Scotland and the UK. Crisp Malt will be working in close consultation with Moray Council and the local community to ensure that they have an opportunity to discuss any concerns.
The new maltings will house state-of-the-art technologies to achieve sustainability goals and produce high quality malt for distilling customers in Scotland whilst also increasing the annual production capacity of the entire site from 42,000 to up to 162,000 tonnes.
“Crisp Malt has been supplying the Scottish distilling industry since the 1960’s. Our current site at Portgordon opened in 1979 and produces 42,000 tonnes of malt to Scottish distilleries every year. This application seeks to support the growing success of the Scottish distilling industry.
Jake Lambert, Operations Director.
“The design and landscaping of the proposed maltings will help the new development to sit well within the landscape. We want to continue to invest locally to ensure that the economic benefits of the growth plan will stay within Moray. This substantial investment will support the local economy, create jobs, provide more opportunities for local growers of maltings barley and support the distilling industry on its journey to net zero.”
Apublic consultation event will take place in the Spring of 2024, to ensure that the public is properly informed of the project’s plans and timelines and those who have an interest in the development can sign up to a mailing list to receive the latest developments.
Subject to planning application approval and schedules, production at the new facility at Portgordon Maltings is expected to commence in 2027.