Die japanische Whisky-Marke Kamiki ist tief in der Geschichte und Kultur ihres Heimatlandes verwurzelt. Beheimatet ist sie in Nara, der antiken Hauptstadt Japans, die auch als Stadt der Tempel bekannt ist. Der Name Kamiki setzt sich aus den japanischen Wörtern ‚Kami‘ für Gott sowie ‚Iki‘ für Atem zusammen, und ist eine Hommage an die Winde des Berges Miwa, der seit der Antike als heiliger Berg Gottes verehrt wird.
Kamiki Shuzou Co. gibt heute in ihrer englischsprachigen Pressemitteilung, dass die sorgfältigen Restaurationsarbeiten an ihrem historischen, über 100 Jahre alten Gebäude im Dorf Nara abgeschlossen sind. Es ist nun die Residenz und Heimat von Kamiki Shuzou Co., des Whisky Kamiki und der ersten Whiskybrennerei in Nara.
Hier der Pressetext:
Presseartikel | Für den Inhalt ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich |
Kamiki Shuzou Co: Revealing Its New Restored Last Century Building into Distillery in the Heart of Nara’s Heritage
Kamiki Shuzou Co. is proud to reveal of its historic, over 100 years old, restored building nestled in the serene Soni Village of Nara into distillery. This announcement marks a significant moment in our journey as a distiller and also celebrates our deep-rooted connection to Japan’s early history.

Soni Village: A Pillar of Japanese Heritage
Soni Village, the foundation upon which our distillery stands, is renowed as a starting point of the Yamato Kingdom which sconsidered as the cradle of the Japanese nation. Surrounded by Nara’s historic landmarks, Kamiki Shuzou Co. finds itself at the intersection of tradition and innovation.
The Essence of Water, The Essence of Taste
Our dedication to quality is reflected in our choice of the crystal-clear waters from the Soni highlands. These waters, known as some of the finest in Japan, are an essential ingredient in the unique taste profile of our craft.

Craftsmanship in the Japanese Highlands
Set against a backdrop reminiscent of the Yoshino Mountains, our distillery is a haven for whisky creation, inspired and calmed by the tranquil beauty of its environment.
Nara’s Pioneer in Whisky Distillation
As Nara’s original whisky distillery, Kamiki Shuzou Co. is honored to spearhead the tradition of whisky-making in a region steeped in significant historical and cultural importance.
A Blend of History and Modernity: Our Last Century Building
The residence of our distillery, over 100 years old, has undergone a thoughtful restoration. This process has seamlessly woven together the rich historical narrative of Japan with the sophistication of modern distillery practices. The building stands as a testament to Japan’s enduring cultural heritage and as the birthplace of the esteemed Kamiki Whisky.
We cordially invite you to join us in celebrating this momentous chapter in our story.
www.kamikishuzou.com / www.kamikiwhisky.com
Kamiki Shuzou Co., Nara Distillery
About Kamiki Shuzou Co.
Kamiki Shuzou Co. is more than just a distillery. As custodians of history, and pioneers of whisky-making in Nara, our commitment to quality and heritage is embodied in every bottle we craft as an invitation to explore the rich tapestry of Japanese history and craftsmanship.