Was schenkt man einem Whiskyfreund, der schon alles hat? Die Raasay Distillery auf der Isle of Raasay hätte da eine Idee: Man bietet dort seit kurzem kleine 30 Liter Fässer mit dem Spirit aus den ersten Läufen des eigenen Whiskys – auch als Geschenkidee für Weihnachten. Kostenpunkt: ab 999 Pfund. Und wem das noch nicht genug ist, für den hält man auch größere Fässer bereit.
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Luxury Christmas Gift: Bespoke 30 litre casks from Raasay Distillery
Looking ahead to Christmas and still searching a present for a whisky lover, possibly yourself? Raasay Distillery’s ex-Speyside Scotch whisky oak casks are available to purchase on the distillery’s website and are priced from £999. The smaller casks make the island’s first expression more accessible to whisky lovers across the world and having been made using wood from ex-Speyside casks, they have ensured that the flavour of the final whisky are finely balanced.The smaller casks will sit proudly alongside the 190 litre first-fill ex-American whiskey casks which are also available to purchase online at £5000.
All Raasay spirit is produced and distilled on the island, using only Scottish barley, distillers’ yeast and mineral-rich water sourced and filtered directly from a Celtic well on site. A long fermentation period brings a rich, characterful flavour to the Raasay spirit before it even touches the oak of a cask. While the whisky matures, cask owners can come and visit their cask, staying in Raasay Distillery’s four-star accommodation: Borodale House. After the whisky is bottled, owners can also keep their empty cask as a treasured memento.
Raasay is now also part of Caskshare which allows whisky lovers to reserve ‘shares’ of whisky casks from their favourite distilleries, choosing between a wide variety of wood types and ages as the whisky matures. Single cask bottles of Raasay Single Malt will then be sent directly to buyers upon maturation, or even traded on this new leading-edge technology platform. Described as ‘crowdfunding for whisky’ customers can pre-order cask ‘shares’ from their distillery of choice via the Craft Whisky Club website.