Sonntag, 19. Mai 2024, 03:31:39

PR: Schottischer Fußballverband und Diageo mit Kampagne gegen Alkoholmissbrauch

Eine Kampagne für Schottland ist heute vorgestellt worden

Diageo UK hat uns eine Info über eine berichtenswerte Initiative gegen übermäßigen Alkoholkonsum übermittelt, die man gemeinsam mit dem schottischen Fussbalverband gestartet hat. Unter dem Motto „Drink Positive“ möchte man unter Spielern und Fans das Bewusstsein für den verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Alkohol steigern. Die englischsprachige Meldung dazu finden Sie untenstehend:


One million football fans & players targeted with responsible drinking campaign

The Scottish Football Association and leading distilling company, Diageo, have today kicked-off a major new alcohol education campaign with the goal of reaching a million Scots with responsible drinking messaging.

The Drink Positive campaign will use the William Hill Scottish Cup as a platform to encourage football fans, coaches and players to be aware of the effects alcohol has on the body and to encourage moderate drinking as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Amateur football coaches across Scotland will receive alcohol awareness training through the campaign to equip them with the facts and messages on how alcohol impacts sporting performance. Through this training, they can build responsible drinking messaging into every coaching session, reaching tens of thousands of amateur players across the country.

Fans will also be targeted with media messaging and engagement to raise their awareness of the harmful effects of alcohol misuse through the DrinkIQ website (, which delivers engaging alcohol education, including alcohol unit and calorie calculators to encourage people to drink in moderation.

Diageo’s 3,500 employees in Scotland will also be engaged as part of the campaign to build on the work they already do as responsible drinking ambassadors, taking the Drink Positive campaign message to friends and family across the country.

The campaign was launched at Hampden stadium with a team of Diageo responsible drinking ambassadors meeting Scottish footballing hero James McFadden (free to use photography shared with picture desks).

Announcing the campaign, Charles Ireland, General Manager for Diageo GB, Ireland & France, said:

“We want people to really understand the effects of alcohol misuse and to drink in moderation. The power of football to reach people and to connect with them is massive and we are delighted to be working with the Scottish FA to harness that power and use it to positively transform the way people think about alcohol in Scotland and the way they drink alcohol.”

James McFadden, Scotland Assistant Coach, said:

“Alcohol and football are a common pairing, but it’s important for fans to recognise the dangers of excessive drinking. Our new partnership with Diageo will help to spread the message to fans of Scottish football that responsible drinking is vital.”

Chris Rawlings, Commercial Director of the Scottish FA said:

“We are delighted to have the support of Diageo to convey such an important message. Football plays an integral role in communities across Scotland and, as such, it is our responsibility to use the platform we have to promote a balanced approach to alcohol consumption.”

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