Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 09:32:07

Smokehead und Tyler Lunceford designen Motorrad von Ducati (mit Video)

Über den Umbau wird in mehreren Episoden berichtet

Spannendes gibt es vom Islay Single Malt „Smokehead“ zu vermelden: Gemeinsam mit dem „Ducati-Whisperer“ Tyler Lunceford wird man eine individuelles Ducati bauen. Bis September 2019 soll die Ducati, die danach bei verschiedenen Events gezeigt wird, fertiggestellt sein. Die Ducati soll dann „The Smoker“ heißen.

Zum Start gibt es einen 30 Sekunden langen Trailer, und auf der Webseite von Smokehead (eine Marke von Ian Macleod Distillers) die erste Episode über den Bau. Die beiden Videos bringen wir gerne hier, und im Anschluss die englischsprachige Pressemitteilung).


‘The Smoker’ will be a bespoke motorcycle expertly crafted by the Ducati Whisperer, Tyler Lunceford

 Smokehead Islay Single Malt Whisky has teamed up with renowned global biking sensation Tyler Lunceford (known as the Ducati Whisperer of the New York tri-state), challenging him to create his boldest motorcycle ever. The project will follow the creation of a customised Ducati bike, captured through a series of episodes*.

US born, Tyler has a workshop in Brooklyn where he has customised bikes for many obsessive bikers and rock stars. He recently moved to Scotland and opened a workshop in Leith, Edinburgh and will produce a custom Ducati, inspired by vintage racing motorcycles, for Smokehead to showcase at key events. The project will run until September 2019, when the finished model, ‘The Smoker’, will be unleashed.

Commenting on the partnership, Tyler Lunceford, of North Motorcycle, said:

“I’m excited to be involved with Smokehead. I love the idea of this brand supporting craftsmen and women, and it’s even better as I’m a huge Smokehead whisky fan.

Motorcyclists have an identity; they feel independent and different from other people. When you find something you like, such as a bold, smoky, outrageous whisky that is not for everyone, it gives you a sense of belonging when it is for you.

I’m literally building my dream bike; it will be something that’s never been seen before, something so bold, that even motorbike buffs will be blown away. It won’t be easy, but it’s a great opportunity to make something really special.”

Adding his thoughts, Iain Weir, Smokehead Brand Director, said:

“We’re proud to be working with Tyler. His all-round attitude personifies Smokehead – bold, daring and independent. We can’t wait to see the bike unveiled. Just like Smokehead, motorbikes are not for everyone, but that’s okay, and that’s why this partnership works so well.”

The Smokehead Refinery

The campaign will share stories of partnerships with the boldest of craftsmen and women that Smokehead is proud to rub shoulders with. Chapter 1 of the project was unleashed in 2018, a successful partnership with Dram & Smoke creating a series of ‘Smokehead Feasts’ for media and trade across the UK. Chapter 2 celebrates the collaboration with Tyler.

In late 2018, Smokehead released Sherry Bomb, a heavily peated Islay single malt that has been boldly blasted by sherry casks; following hot on the heels of Smokehead High Voltage, along with their louder and bolder look, which was unveiled in April.

*Smokehead encourages everyone to drink responsibly, and not to drink and ride*

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