Sonntag, 16. Februar 2025, 22:12:39

Rosebank Distillery: Distillery Manager Malcolm Rennie übergibt an Neil Bulloch

Rennie wird als neuer Distillery Manager der noch im Bau befindlichen Laggan Bay Distillery auf Islay arbeiten

Wechsel bei Rosebank, der wiederbelebten Brennerei in den schottischen Lowlands: Distillery Manager Malcolm Rennie übergibt nach mehr als drei Jahren bei der Destillerie die Position an Neil Bulloch. Dieser war bislang Head of Distilling bei Bladnoch, ebenfalls in den Lowlands gelegen.

Rennie wird in der noch im Bau befindliche neue Laggan Bay Distillery auf Islay Distillery Manager werden.

Hier ist die offizielle Mitteilung dazu:

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Passing the Torch at the King of the Lowlands

This month, Malcolm Rennie, Distillery Manager at Rosebank, passes the torch to his successor, Neil Bulloch.

For over three years, Malcolm has meticulously overseen the recommissioning of Rosebank Distillery. His expertise in setting up new and revived distilleries has been invaluable, and now he takes his skills to Laggan Bay Distillery on Islay, which is still under construction. Malcolm stays with Ian Macleod Distillers as Laggan Bay Distillery is the most recent new build distillery in the company. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Malcolm for his tireless efforts and commitment to Rosebank.

Neil Bulloch, who was born and bred in the village of Menstrie, only 15 miles from Rosebank, is thrilled to come back to the local area to take on the position of Rosebank Distillery Manager. Previously, Neil was the Head of Distilling at Bladnoch Distillery and therefore moves on from the Queen of the Lowlands to the King of the Lowlands at Rosebank!

Neil is very excited about taking on his new role at Rosebank Distillery, where production only restarted in June 2023 following 30 years’ of closure. It’s an exciting and important time in the distillery’s history, and he looks forward to making his mark.

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