Die Microdestillerie Buzzard’s Roost in Lousiville, Kentucky, ist seit kurzem das neueste Mitglied der Kentucky Distillers‘ Association (KDA). Die kleine Destillerie startete als Marke, die Whiskys für sich produzieren ließ, ist aber nun auch selbst Produzent. Sie fällt in der KDA in die Kategorie „Craft“, das bedeutet eine Jahresproduktion von 1 bis 10.000 Fass, wobei man Buzzard’s Roost wohl eher auf der kleineren Seite der Bandbreite einordnen sollte.
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Kentucky Distillers’ Association Welcomes Buzzard’s Roost as Newest Craft Member
Micro Distillery Brings A Mix of Tradition and Innovation to Louisville’s Booming Bourbon Community
FRANKFORT, Ky. – The Kentucky Distillers’ Association (KDA) today announced Buzzard’s Roost Spirits as the newest member of the non-profit trade group that unites and leads Kentucky’s signature Bourbon and distilled spirits industry.
Buzzard’s Roost Spirits, established by co-founders Judith Hollis Jones and Jason Brauner, as a contract distilled brand now is also a micro distillery nestled on Whisky Row in downtown Louisville.
“Building our business on the esteemed Whiskey Row in Louisville was a dream come true for us and we are so excited to now be able to join the Kentucky Distillers’ Association. We wouldn’t be where we are today without the support of fellow distillers. That’s what is so special about this work, the Bourbon community and the impact we can have on the wider community when we attract tourism and grow our business.”
Judith Hollis Jones, Co-Founder Buzzard’s Roost
Jones and Brauner, both native Kentuckians and Bourbon lovers, met doing barrel picks for independent ventures – Brauner’s Bourbon’s Bistro and Judy’s consultancy focused on client gifts.
Jason had been steeped in the bourbon community for almost 20 years ,with a culinary background, had returned to Kentucky and was looking for an entrepreneurial venture. Together they decided it was time to step into building a bourbon brand.
“We researched all aspects of the industry for a little more than two years to ensure we could start with knowledge .We have grown our brand by acquisition of aged whiskey from MGP and others and are preparing for the future with new make produced by Bardstown Bourbon Company and Green River Distillery.”
said Jones.

“From the beginning, the makers at Buzzard’s Roost embraced the traditions that make Kentucky Bourbon such a powerhouse. Working alongside other distillers, they found a new way to share the spirit we love so much. When new members join, we help them explore the future, and I am confident Buzzard’s Roost will be a part of Louisville’s Bourbon community for years to come, bringing new jobs and tourism to the state’s largest city.”
said Eric Gregory, President of KDA.
Buzzards Roost joins KDA as a “Craft” level member, aging between 1 and 10,000 barrels per year.
The KDA now has more than 60 member distilleries, the most since the glorious Repeal of Prohibition.
Buzzard’s Roost produces Buzzard’s Roost Barrel Strength Bourbon, Buzzard’s Roost Toasted American Oak Bourbon, Buzzard’s Roost Char # 1 Bourbon, Single Barrel Bourbon for private selection, RYE, Buzzard’s Roost Barrel Strength Rye, Buzzard’s Roost Toasted Barrel Rye and Buzzard’s Roost Char #1 Rye.
Learn more at https://www.buzzardsroostwhiskey.com