Samstag, 15. März 2025, 01:26:30

Irish Distillers präsentiert Ergebnisse für das 2. Halbjahr 2021 – Wachstum auf der ganzen Linie

5.8 Millionen Cases hat Jameson im 2. Halbjahr verkauft - ein Plus von 22% und der höchste Umsatz aller Zeiten in dieser Periode

Irish Distillers (die irische Dachmarke von Pernod Ricard, in der sich Marken wie Jameson oder Redbreast finden, kann auf ein hervorragendes zweites Halbjahr 2021 zurückblicken, wie der Ergebnisbericht, der heute veröffentlicht wurde, deutlich macht. Jameson zum Beispiel, wuchs gleich um 22% im Volumen, auch Readbreast und die Spots (z.B. Yellow Spot) wuchsen stärker als je zuvor.

Diese und weitere Zahlen sowie ein Statement von Conor McQauid, dem CEO von Irish Distillers, finden Sie untenstehend im Pressetext, der vor kurzem online ging:

PresseartikelFür den Inhalt ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich

Irish Distillers Results – six months ending 31 December 2021

  • Jameson sold 5.8M cases with volume growth of 22% in H1 2022
  • Jameson, Redbreast and the Spot range achieved highest ever H1 volume growth
  • Jameson sales in the US exceeded 2 million cases in H1 for the third year in a row
  • Global Travel Retail returns to growth with the lifting of some travel restrictions in the second half of 2021

Thursday, 10 February 2022: Irish Distillers, producer of some of the world’s most well-known and successful Irish whiskeys, has today announced results for the first half of its financial year (ending 31st December 2021). Jameson sold 5.8 million cases (+22%) in the first six months of the financial year to December 2021. This is the highest ever H1 volume for Jameson. 

In the six months to the end of December 2021, Jameson recorded volume growth in key markets including the US (+8%), the UK (+16%) and South Africa (+41%). Within the broader Jameson family, Jameson Black Barrel recorded growth of 35% globally versus the same period last year, successfully capitalizing on the growing consumer trend towards more premium brands.  

Consumers continued to show their appreciation for Irish Distillers’ single pot still portfolio in the first half of the year, led by Redbreast with record volume growth (+19%). The Spot range recorded volume growth of 7% percent, its highest ever half year volume growth.

In Ireland, both Jameson and Irish Distillers’ prestige portfolio of whiskeys enjoyed a strong performance with Jameson recording +13% volume growth compared to the same period last year.

Conor McQuaid, Chairman and CEO of Irish Distillers said: 

“In the first half of the financial year, we saw the world begin to cautiously return to pre-pandemic activities with the return of international travel, social engagements and in-person events in some markets. This improving situation supported the growth of our full portfolio of Irish whiskeys led by Jameson, which sold 5.8 million cases in the first six months of our financial year.  

“Jameson is in growth in all key regions around the world, demonstrating the ever-increasing affinity for the brand on a global level. New generations of consumers and changing lifestyles are boosting this growth and we will continue to ignite, or in many cases re-ignite, a passion for Irish whiskey in markets around the world.

“While Redbreast and the Spot family continued to drive growth in our prestige portfolio, we are confident that the quality and variety of the broader portfolio will support all our premium and super-premium whiskeys in growing from strength to strength.

“We fully recognise the difficulties our on-trade partners have faced recently. However, as the public health situation improves, we look forward to supporting them as they hopefully return to a more normalised and sustained operating environment.”

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