Freitag, 14. März 2025, 12:25:40

PR: Eden Mill kooperiert mit Künstlerin Hilke MacIntyre für Eden Mill’s 2019 Release (mit Video)

Die dritte Ausgabe des Whiskys der Brennerei kann über das Internet bestellt werden

Die Eden Mill Distillery, in St. Andrews gelegen, veröffentlicht auch heuer wieder zum St. Andrews Day eine Spezialedition ihres Whiskys – die dritte insgesamt. Diesmal hat man sich mit der deutschen und seit 1995 in Fife lebenden Künstlerin Hilke MacIntyre zusammengetan um so eine besondere Ausgabe zu schaffen.

Die auf 1500 Flaschen limitierte Abfüllung aus Oloroso- und PX-Fässern wird um 79 Pfund über den Webshop der Destillerie vertrieben. Alkoholstärke: 46.5%.

Hier der Pressetext zur Sonderausgabe, samt Bildern und einem Video:


Eden Mill, the award-winning Scottish distillers have today unveiled its 2019 Release Single Malt whisky, all in time for St Andrew’s Day.

Retailing at £79, the limited release of 3,000 bottles sees Eden Mill collaborate with Fifebased artist Hilke MacIntyre to create the art piece, titled ‘St Andrews’ for the presentation box.

Hilke MacIntyre, originally from Germany, has lived in Fife since 1995 and is known as a specialist in linocutting: a traditional and highly skilled craft, derived from woodcutting.

The artwork is inspired by pivotal moments in Eden Mill’s story and features famous landmarks of the St Andrews and Guardbridge coastline – a place Eden Mill is proud to call its home.

The 2019 Release Single Malt is the third single malt whisky by Eden Mill in two years, since the unveiling of the First Bottling in 2017, and will see just 1,500 bottles available in the UK.

Scott Ferguson, Eden Mill’s Head Distiller, said:

“This limited release is one of the most exciting whisky offerings from Eden Mill in our five years of distilling.”

He continued:

“Working with sherry flavours from the oloroso and the sweet sugary flavour from the pedro ximenez casks is something that has been present throughout our previous hip flask releases and we want to exhibit our ability to work with these flavours in our 2019 Single Malt release.”

Eden Mill’s 2019 Release delivers a balance of sweet, spice and light notes of toasted fruits and remains sweet and fruity, with hints of cocoa and caramelised biscuits beneath, with a malty-sweet towards the finish.

The 2019 Release Single Malt has incorporated a selection of Oloroso hogheads, pedro ximenez hogsheads, American bourbon barrels with a cask of chocolate malt spirits and crystal malt spirit to craft their latest liquid.

Eden Mill’s 2019 Release Single Malt Whisky (70cl, 46.5% ABV) is available to order via

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