Samstag, 27. Juli 2024, 03:28:16

PR: Laphroaig “Join us for Feis Ìle 2020: #LaphroaigLive from Islay”

Am Dienstag feiert Laphroaig den virtuellen Open Day - John Campbell stellt das Programm vor...

Auch Laphroaig lädt die Fans der Destillerie zu einem virtuellen Open Day ein, der am Dienstag, den 26. Mai stattfinden wird. Hier der Einaldungstext, den die MitarbeiterInnen um John Campbell ausgesendet haben:

Laphroaig “Join us for Feis Ìle 2020: #LaphroaigLive from Islay”

Hope you are all safe and well. It’s incredibly quiet here at the distillery. Whisky production on pause. Everyone self-isolating. Fèis Ìle cancelled.

However, as ‘glass-half-full’ kind of people, we are delighted to announce that our Fèis Open Day will go ahead – bringing our Friends around the world together virtually. Register at the link below to join our live tasting event on May 26th from 18:15pm (BST).


Master Ambassador Simon Brooking and I will host tastings of 10 Year Old, Quarter Cask and Lore and discuss whisky, friendship…and…well, whatever you would like to suggest… Whilst we can’t open our distillery gates on ‘Open Day’, we will be open to any questions you have on the day. Submit your questions to Simon and I as we taste and we will answer as many as we can. Think of it as an informal #LaphroaigLive: No camera crews, no script, no room full of Friends… but a chance to sip a dram and share a toast together through the wonders of technology.

For those who need to restock, we have some tasting bundles here.

We can’t guarantee delivery before the live event due to the current situation we all face, however we will record the tasting which will be available for you to replay and enjoy again.

With Simon and I joining from our respective homes, we also wondered where you will be celebrating Fèis this year? Perhaps you have never been? Perhaps you go every year? Either way, we want to see your home bar, your armchair, your life-size replica of the Laphroaig kiln – whatever but always together with your favourite bottle of Laphroaig. Post your pictures on Instagram or Facebook with the tag #MyLaphroaigMoment for your chance to win a bottle of Càirdeas 2020 edition, 15 sample bottles to share with friends and an exclusive, private virtual tasting with me for you and your friends in July. We will choose the winner and our favourite image during the live session on May 26th!

…and if you still have time on your hands after posting your #MyLaphroaigMoment image, perhaps try this at home.

John and the Laphroaig Distillery Team

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