Montag, 17. März 2025, 02:45:32

Royal Lochnagar zum königlichen Hoflieferanten ernannt

Die Destillerie ist die fünfte Marke von Diageo, die mit der Auszeichnung bedacht wurde - und nach John Walker & Sons erst der zweite Whisky

Die Highland-Brennerei Royal Lochnagar, im Besitz von Diageo, freut sich darüber, nun offiziell als königlicher Hoflieferant zu gelten. Zur Feier der Ernennung wurde das erste Fass, das nach Ausstellung des Zertifikats abgefüllt wurde, mit den Scottish Royal Arms, dem königlich schottischen Wappen, auf blauem Hintergrund geschmückt und öffentlich ausgestellt.

Hier die Pressemitteilung dazu, gemeinsam mit einem Bild des (sehr schmucken) Fasses:

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Special cask carrying the Royal Arms goes on display at the distillery on Royal Deeside

ROYAL DEESIDE, SCOTLAND – Royal Lochnagar Distillery has been granted a Royal Warrant as Scotch Whisky Distillers By Appointment to Her Majesty The Queen. 

To mark this honour, the first cask filled at the distillery after the granting of the Royal Warrant has gone on public display, proudly bearing the Scottish Royal Arms in full heraldic colours against a Royal Lochnagar blue background. This was hand painted by artist Thomas Oates, son of a senior carriage restorer whose family has worked for generations at The Royal Mews at Buckingham Palace.

The Royal Warrant is recognition of the regular supply of goods to the Royal Household and permits Royal Lochnagar to display the Royal Arms on its Highland Single Malt Scotch Whiskies and at the distillery in Scotland, a mile from Her Majesty’s Balmoral Estate.

Ewan Andrew, Director of The Lochnagar Distillery Ltd, who has been appointed as Grantee for the Royal Warrant, said: “Being granted a Royal Warrant is a great privilege for everyone associated with Royal Lochnagar. The Distillery has a long association with the Royal Family and it is a source of great pride that we have become Scotch Whisky Distillers By Appointment to Her Majesty The Queen.”

Fed by the crystal-clear water of the Scarnock springs, Royal Lochnagar is a highly traditional distillery, continuing to use manual methods of production to distil a fine quality Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky known for its rich, delicately balanced character.

The Distillery was founded in 1845 as New Lochnagar, named after a nearby mountain, and renamed Royal Lochnagar three years later after a visit by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.  His Royal Highness The Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay has visited the distillery on three occasions, most recently in 2018. Today, Royal Lochnagar is part of the fabric of the Royal Deeside community and a popular destination when travel allows, welcoming over 20,000 visitors each year for tours and tastings.

Sean Phillips, Royal Lochnagar Distillery Manager, who oversaw the filling of the first cask under the Royal Warrant, said: “This is a very special day for all the team at Royal Lochnagar. Not only to be granted the Royal Warrant, but also to have the Scottish Royal Arms painted so beautifully on one of our casks by Thomas Oates, is an honour and privilege.”

Royal Lochnagar is the fifth Royal Warrant granted by Her Majesty to a brand owned by Diageo, with Warrants also held by John Walker & Sons (Johnnie Walker) as Scotch Whisky Distillers, Justerini & Brooks as Wine & Spirits Merchant, The Pimm’s Company as Distillers & Compounders, and Gin Distillers Tanqueray Gordon & Company.

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