Freitag, 07. März 2025, 03:32:43

Spirits of Salud “Angels Favourite” – Die limitierteste Chichibu-Abfüllung bisher!

Mit gerade mal 75 Flaschen ist dies ein Chichibu in Kleinstauflage - aber es gab einen guten Grund, ihn dennoch abzufüllen...

Spirits of Salud hat heute den Chichibu Angels Favourite vorgestellt, einen getorfter Single Malt der japanischen Kult-Brennerei aus dem 2nd Fill Bourbon Barrel – und mit einer interessanten Geschichte:

Gerade mal 75 Flaschen von diesem acht Jahre alten Chichibu mit satten 63,5% vol. Alkoholstärke gibt es – da muss etwas Unerwartetes passiert sein. Und das ist es in der Tat: Das Fass, das vom Tasting Panel für einen der nächsten 7even Gods of Fortune Whiskys ausgesucht wurde, hatte ein ziemliches Leck, sodass fast drei Viertel des Fasses über die Zeit verschwanden, mit Abstand der größte Verlust, den ein Fass aus der Destillerie jemals hinnehmen musste.

Damit konnte das Fass nicht für die 7even Gods of Fortune-Serie abgefüllt werden – aber der verbleibende Inhalt war viel zu gut, um ihn einfach zu übergehen oder zu verblenden. Und aus diesem einleuchtenden Grund gibt es jetzt den Chichibu Angels Favourite in einer Mini-Auflage von 75 Flaschen – und er ist damit die limitierteste Chichibu-Abfüllung bisher.

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Spirits of Salud “Angels Favourite” – The most limited Chichibu release ever!

News provided by
Salud Spirits B.V.

UDEN, July 7, 2024 — Salud Spirits is happy to announce a new addition to their Spirits of Salud line: Angels Favourite. After the huge success of their Single Cask Malt & Grain release – aged in a Château GruaudLarose cask – this next entry is a single cask peated Chichibu with a truly unique story behind it. Only 75 bottles of this whisky will be released worldwide, making this already highly sought after Chichibu the most exclusive ever released.

The name Angels Favouriteis a play of words on the Angels Share. A nickname for the evaporation of whisky from the cask during maturation. Urban legend says that it’s in fact not evaporation but the angels taking a small sip from the whisky every now and again. And thus, the more whisky evaporates from a cask, the better the whisky is. As apparently the Angels took a liking to it. In the case of the Spirits of Salud Angels Favourite, almost three quarters of the liquid inside the cask had disappeared!

As far as urban legend goes, this was not all due to evaporation though. The simple fact was that the cask had leaked! And though this might not seem as uncommon, for a cask of Chichibu it is! At Chichibu Distillery, founder Ichiro Akuto takes the greatest care to make sure his casks are up to snuff. In fact, he took control in his own hands, by founding his very own cooperage. The result? Since its foundation in 2008 not a single cask of Chichibu has ever leaked as much whisky as the Angels Favourite!

During the rigorous selection process for the 7even Gods of Fortune this peated Chichibu malt was unanimously selected by Salud’s panel of whisky connoisseurs and was set to become the next 7even Gods of Fortune release. But fortune wasn’t in the books for this cask, as it turned out the amount of liquid left was too small to use for the series.

Seeing how exquisite the flavours were though, it was also too good not to be bottled. And thus, whisky lovers across the world will get a chance to try this exquisite spirit after all, through this extra special Spirits of Salud release! And though the Angels Share might not have much to do with the low amount of spirit left in the cask, the name Angels Favourite is 100% accurate if we agree on dubbing the members of the tasting panel our “Angels”!

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