In ihrer englischsprachigen Pressemitteilung (Sie finden diese nach unserem deutschsprachigen Post), die uns heute erreichte, stellt die Highlands-Brennerei The GlenDronach ihre neueste Abfüllung The GlenDronach Traditionally Peated vor.
The GlenDronach, bekannt für ungetorften Whisky, der in Sherry-Fässern reift, nimmt mit diesem Bottling einen Stil aus den Anfangszeiten der Brennerei auf. Als die Brennerei 1826 von James Allardice gegründet wurde, war es in den Highlands üblich, gegen Ende der Gerstenmalzung Torf im Brennofen zu verbrennen. The GlenDronach Traditionally Peated wurde nach denselben Prinzipien wie vor fast zweihundert Jahren hergestellt und reifte danach in Pedro Ximénez, Oloroso Sherry und Port Fässern. Master Blenderin Dr. Rachel Barrie beschreibt diese Abfüllung als einen „wunderbar komplexe Single Malt, der Noten von Highland Toffee, dunklem Honig und Gerste präsentiert. Gebrannte Orange und Melassesirup gleiten auf Nelken und geräucherter Brombeere über den Gaumen. Lakritz und dunkle Früchte verweilen und intensivieren im Abgang einen erdigen Abgang.“
Ab November 2019 ist The GlenDronach Traditionally Peated weltweit im Fachhandel erhältlich, die unverbindliche Preisempfehlung beträgt £51, was etwa 60 € entspricht.
The GlenDronach Distillery introduces new Traditionally Peated
The GlenDronach Distillery is pleased to announce the release of The GlenDronach Traditionally Peated; a rare peated expression of the Highland Single Malt, which is most well-known for its unpeated sherry cask maturation style.
At the time the distillery was founded by James Allardice in 1826, it was traditional practice in the Highlands to burn peat in the kiln towards the end of the barley malting, creating a rich and warm, earthy smoke. Master Blender Dr. Rachel Barrie has crafted The GlenDronach Traditionally Peated from a marriage of the finest Pedro Ximénez, Oloroso sherry and port casks, using the same principles laid down almost two hundred years ago.
Interwoven with robust Highland character, The GlenDronach Traditionally Peated is peated to those same traditional levels and has all of the richly-sherried, fullbodied character of The GlenDronach.
Master Blender, Dr. Rachel Barrie said:
“The GlenDronach Traditionally Peated offers connoisseurs a rare opportunity to explore the distillery’s rich depths of sherry cask maturation, whilst paying homage to the robust peat-smoked earthy character of the early 19th century, that James Allardice himself would likely have enjoyed. This wonderfully complex Single Malt presents notes of Highland toffee, dark honey and coal-smoked barley. Burnt orange and treacle glide over the palate, on a base of cloves and smoked bramble. Liquorice and dark fruits linger and intensify into the rich an earthy finish.”
This rare peated expression is bottled at 48% ABV and as is the case for all The GlenDronach expressions, is non-chill filtered and absorbs colour naturally over time from the Spanish oak in which it resides. It will be available to buy from specialist retailers worldwide from November 2019.
Appearance: Vivid harvest gold.
Nose: Highland toffee and treacle meld with dark honey and coal smoked barley.
Taste: Sip burnt orange and treacle on a base of cloves and smoked bramble.
Finish: Savour liquorice and dark fruit into the lingering rich, earthy finish.
ABV: 48%
RRP: £51.00