Schöne Auszeichnung für die Waterford Distillery von Mark Reynier in der gleichnamigen irischen Stadt: Bei den Global Icons of Whisky 2023 wurde sie mit dem Titel Brand Innovator of the Year geehrt, eine Auszeichnung für jene Betriebe, die innovative neue Marken in den Verkehr bringen. Und: Diese Auszeichnung erhielt sie nun schon zum dritten Mal in Folge.
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Waterford Distillery wins Brand Innovator of the Year award at Global Icons of Whisky 2023
31st March 2023: Waterford Distillery, the world’s biggest producer of biodynamic and organic whiskies, was crowned Brand Innovator of the Year last night at this year’s Whisky Magazine’s Global Icons of Whisky 2023.
Having been awarded Brand Innovator of the Year for the 3rd year running, Waterford Distillery was recognisedacross the industry following a range of new product releases, including the first truly Irish peated whiskies in generations. One of the distillery’s latest bottlings, Heritage Hunter, resurrected long-forgotten barley varieties not used in production since 1970s – rediscovering the unique flavour of iconic Irish barley.
With their dedication to sustainability and Irish-grown ingredients at the heart of Waterford’s whisky production, Waterford Distillery was also highly commended at regional level for Distiller of the Year, late last year.
Launched in 2007, the Icons of Whisky Awards are a celebration of the years of hard work that go into every bottle. The awards hail whisky producers and promoters from around the world, from the distillers themselves and brand ambassadors, to visitor centre managers, bars, bar tenders and industry’s communicators.