Nicholas Morgan, Whiskyhistoriker und Autor des Buches „A Long Stride: The Story Of The World’s No. 1 Scotch Whisky„, ist eine schier unerschöpfliche Quelle, wenn es um Whiskygeschichte und die Geschichte von Johnnie Walker geht, leitete er doch lange Zeit das Whiskyarchiv von Diageo.

In einem Interview im Onlinemagazin Whisky Reviewer gibt er einige Einblicke in die Geschichte der wohl berühmtesten Whiskymarke der Welt und die Familie Walker, die sie erfand. Auch etwas über das neue Brand Home von Johnnie Walker erfahren wir im Interview.
Hier, als kleiner Appetitanreger, etwas über Alexander Walker, den Sohn von John Walker:
I spent six months or more reading the surviving correspondence of Alexander Walker, John’s son, who ran the business from 1857 to 1889. We only have it for the last ten years of his life, but it tells a fascinating story. I also got to stay in an apartment in the house he built in Kilmarnock, just to help get inside his head. It takes remarkable people to create remarkable brands, and that’s what Alexander did. Needless to say, although I knew how the story was going to end, I was in tears when I read his final letter, written a few days before he died. Unlike Tommy Dewar and James Buchanan, who courted high-society and invested heavily in prize-winning racehorses, Alexander preferred his garden, his golf and his close friends. A few days before he died, he was out with his mates on the golf-course, playing a round for a wager of a sack of potatoes. That’s what he described with relish and humor in that last letter.
Mehr zur Familie Walker und der Marke auf Whisky Reviewer.