Sonntag, 05. Mai 2024, 03:14:52

Eden Mill erhält Baugenehmigung für neue Brennerei in St. Andrews

Schon 2023 will man Destillerie und Besucherzentrum errichtet und für Gäste zugänglich gemacht haben...

Während wir gestern über das Nichterteilen der Baugenehmigung für die Wolfcraig Distillery berichten mussten, können wir heute Erfreulicheres vermelden: Die neu konzipierte Eden Mill Distillery in St. Andrews hat die volle Baugenehmigung erhalten – samt angeschlossenem Besucherzentrum.

Die auf dem Campus der University of St. Andrews geplante Brennerei (der Pachtvertrag über die nächsten 50 Jahre ist jetzt unterzeichnet worden) soll ohne CO2-Ausstoß arbeiten und damit weltweit eine der ersten in dieser Kategorie sein. Die Planung erfolgte in enger Abstimmung mit der Universität

Bereits 2023 will man in der neuen Brennerei Besucher empfangen können – und damit auch die lokale Wirtschaft beleben. Neben Whisky soll dort auch Gin produziert werden, bereits jetzt ein wichtiges Standbein der Brennerei.

Edit 17:00 – wir haben nun die englischsprachige Pressemitteilung und zwei Bilder zur Story hinzugefügt:

PresseartikelFür den Inhalt ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich


EDEN MILL St Andrews, the contemporary premium gin and scotch whisky producer, has received full planning permission to build its stunning new distillery and visitor centre in St Andrews. A 50-year land lease has been agreed and signed with the prestigious and world-renowned University of St Andrews.

The new distillery, with its ambition to be one of the world’s first carbon neutral distilleries, is now being constructed on the University of St Andrews Eden Campus, which is dedicated to zero-carbon, sustainable businesses and research enterprises.

University of St Andrews quaestor and factor Derek Watson said:

“Today marks an exciting milestone in the relationship between the University of St Andrews and Eden Mill which has been based at what is now the Eden Campus for a decade.

“The regeneration of the former paper mill site and the creation of Eden Campus is a major strategic move for the university which will provide an exceptional working environment for our staff, breathe new life into the local economy of Guardbridge and have a beneficial impact on the town of St Andrews and beyond. We are delighted that Eden Mill is part of that.”

EDEN MILL St Andrews managing director and founder Paul Miller said:

“The vision for the Eden Mill distillery has been closely developed with the University of St Andrews. Its fabulous location at the mouth of the River Eden meets the romantic requirements for single malt scotch whisky, while the strictly sustainable nature of our new distillery and the environmentally innovative surroundings of the campus are perfect for our progressive brand.”

EDEN MILL St Andrews Chair of the Board of Directors Stella Morse said:

“We are delighted to have received full planning permission and confirmed our long lease with the University of St Andrews to build on the decade of foundations laid by EDEN MILL St Andrews with our new and ambitious contemporary gin & single malt scotch whisky distillery. We’re pleased to have worked in partnership with the University of St Andrews to secure planning permission for what will become one of Scotland’s future iconic distilleries. Our values and ambition regarding sustainability are closely aligned and we look forward to opening the distillery to visitors from across the globe in 2023.”

left to right, Paul Miller (MD Eden Mill), Derek Watson (University of St Andrews quaestor and factor), Stella Morse (Eden Mill chair)

EDEN MILL St Andrews has established itself as one of the leading contemporary Scottish craft gins with a nascent contemporary single malt scotch whisky. Future distillation will be at the new site on the Eden Campus. It will be one of the of the world’s first climate positive distilleries.

The multi-million-pound distillery will be partially powered through the University’s recently commissioned ground solar development and a future roof mounted system on top of the distillery. Eden Mill is also discussing with the University the potential for capturing carbon from production processes which may be used to produce alternative fuels

Construction work on the distillery has already commenced and the new distillery and visitor centre is scheduled to open in the first half of 2023. EDEN MILL expects the distillery to become one of the leading visitor attractions in the St Andrews area and will also provide new jobs in region.

As well as the distillery, the Campus is home to the award-winning biomass energy centre and university spin-out companies working at the frontiers of science and technology – producing sustainable antibiotics, new fuel cells, synthetic proteins and new forms of batteries.

EDEN MILL St Andrews Investment

In January EDEN MILL St Andrews received investment from Edinburgh-based specialist consumer brand investor Inverleith LLP, taking a majority stake in the company. The investment allows EDEN MILL St Andrews to realise its new distillery and meet its sustainability ambitions. Inverleith has consumer strategic brand and commercial know-how, as well as significant global drinks business experience and expertise.

EDEN MILL St Andrews New Board Appointments

In February EDEN MILL St Andrews appointed drinks industry heavyweights to its board. Stella Morse, who has previously held senior financial and strategy roles at Scottish & Newcastle, The Edrington Group and C&C Group became the Chair of the newly formed Board of Directors.

Rennie Donaldson, former Group Financial Controller at Edrington and prior Head of Corporate Development at William Grant & Sons joined the board as new Chief Operating Officer.

Paul Skipworth, a former Regional Director of Moet Hennessy Asia, CEO of The Glenmorangie Company, Partner L Capital (LVMH) and the Managing Partner of Inverleith also joined the board alongside Inverleith Senior Investment Director Michael Atkinson, who brings global spirits industry experience from the Bacardi Martini Corporation and Moet Hennessy.

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