Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 12:23:56

Pernod Ricard verkauft Tormore an Elixir Distillers

Der Kaufpreis für die 1958 erbaute und seit 2005 im Besitz des französischen Getränkemultis befindlichen Brennerei wurde nicht bekanntgegeben

Elixir Distillers, im Besitz von Rajbir and Sukhinder Singh (ehemals The Whisky Exchange), hat ein Abkommen zum Kauf der Speyside-Brennerei Tormore mit Pernod Ricard unterzeichnet, wie die Webseite des französischen Getränkekonzerns in einer Presseaussendung berichtet. Die Kaufsumme wurde dabei nicht bekanntgegeben.

Interessant dabei ist, dass Pernod Ricard im Vorjahr ja von den Singh-Brüdern The Whisky Exchange gekauft hat, um in den Onlinehandel einsteigen zu können.

Für Elixir Distillers ist der Kauf ein weiterer Schritt auf dem Weg zu einer internationalen Marke – neben dem Bau der Islay-Brennerei Portintruan nahe von Port Ellen. Im Verkauf ist auch das Fasslager mit gereiftem Whisky inkludiert.

Pernod Ricard besaß Tormore seit 2005. Hier die offizielle Pressemitteilung:

PresseartikelFür den Inhalt ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich


Pernod Ricard signed today an agreement to sell the Tormore Scotch Whisky brand and distillery to Elixir Distillers, a company co-founded by entrepreneurs Sukhinder and Rajbir Singh.

The Tormore distillery is emblematic of the Speyside region, home of the Scottish malt whisky industry, with a capacity of nearly 5 million liters of alcohol per annum. A listed building, constructed in 1960, it is equally famous for the quality of its Scotch whiskies as for its architectural design. The associated brand is renowned for its single malts, including its 14 and 16 year-old editions.

The agreement marks a new milestone in a strong relationship between Pernod Ricard and the Singh brothers, who co-founded whisky specialist Elixir Distillers in 2017 and created the leading online spirits retailer “The Whisky Exchange”, which was acquired by Pernod Ricard in 2021.

Alexandre Ricard, Chairman and CEO of Pernod Ricard, stated:

“Active portfolio management is an integral part of our long-term strategy. The sale of the Tormore brand and distillery follows the recent announcement of our investment behind the Aberlour and Miltonduff facilities, which will increase our Scotch production capacities by 14 million liters of alcohol per annum. We are delighted to be handing Tormore over to Sukhinder and Rajbir, two friends and truly creative entrepreneurs and look forward to finding new ways to collaborate in the future.”

Sukhinder Singh explained:

“Tormore is one of the most visually stunning distilleries in Speyside. It produces a beautiful spirit and fits in perfectly with the Elixir Distillers flavour-first philosophy to bottle only the very highest quality whiskies. We are hoping to build on the work that’s been done by Pernod Ricard to bring to life the magic of Tormore and show consumers around the world just what a hidden gem it is. We are humbled to be the new custodians of Tormore; we couldn’t have asked for a better distillery to welcome to the Elixir family alongside our new Islay distillery, Portintruan.“

About Elixir Distillers

Founded by Sukhinder and Rajbir Singh, Elixir Distillers is a creator, blender and bottler of fine spirits, combining delicious, characterful liquid with beautiful design. Their expertise is Scotch whisky and rum but they also work with Japanese whisky, tequila and other spirits. Their core brands include Port Askaig, Elements of Islay, Single Malts of Scotland and Black Tot which they export to more than 30 international markets around the world. They are building a new distillery on Islay, Portintruan, which is due to open in 2024.

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