Freitag, 14. März 2025, 01:21:07

PR: Das Diageo Archiv öffnet ab sofort seine Pforten für einen virtuellen Besuch

Tausende Ausstellungsstücke als 360°-Tour oder mit VR Brille - Eintritt frei und hier im Artikel

5000 Quadratmeter Ausstellungsfläche und über 5000 Flaschen sowie Werbematerialien aus unterschiedlichsten Epochen: Das Diageo Archive ist eine Fundgrube für alle, die sich für Whisky und dessen Geschichte interessieren.

Nun ist das Diageo Archive digitalisiert worden, und Sie können es mit einem 360°Rundgang oder über eine VR-Brille besuchen – gleich hier auf unserer Seite. Mehr zu den Möglichkeiten des Rundgangs, bei dem Sie die Flaschensammlung in der Liquid Library, die Ausstellung der Werbemittel in der Marketing Hall of Fame, den Vault, in dem historische Materialien gelagert werden und den Founders‘ Room, in dem Sie wichtigen Persönlichkeiten aus der Markengeschichte begegnen, besuchen können, in der nachfolgenden Presseaussendung:

The Diageo Archive becomes virtual

Take a 360 degree tour to discover the history and heritage of our unique brands.

With over 5,000 square metres of storage, our Archive covers the equivalent of 55 football pitches, and this week we’re delighted to be opening our virtual doors offering you the chance to take a 360 degree tour through the history and heritage behind Diageo’s world-famous spirit brands. Discover items from our collection of original documents, enjoy our inspiring imagery, and be intrigued by brand stories that have been collated and preserved from all over the world.

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The Liquid Library, an exclusive room filled with over 5,000 bottles dating from the 1880s through to present day. Take a closer look at some of our long-established brands to see how they have developed and evolved over the years and enjoy some examples of ground-breaking innovations and eye-catching designs.

Our Marketing Hall of Fame is a unique chance to look at the different marketing campaigns and activations from our spirit brands from 1779 to our must recent campaigns. Explore the history of brand communications, spotting recurring themes and great examples of truly iconic advertising and marketing genius

The Vault is where we store and preserve our extensive collection of archive materials for current and future use. Take a glimpse behind the scenes to fully appreciate the size and scale of our Archive, as well as the depth and breadth of materials that we have for our brands, companies and sites around the world. Dig a little deeper to discover how our brands have shown up in culture over the years, from film and TV appearances to the roles some of them have played in iconic events and moments over time.

Our Founders’ Room is where you can meet the individuals, both past and present, behind our brands and hear their stories. Many of our long-established brands began with an individual or a family whose vision and determination laid the foundation for the successes they are today. From our Founders to all our Makers, Distillery Operators, Coopers, Coppersmiths, Packaging Teams, Marketers, Innovators and Sales Teams, they have all played a vital role in making our fantastic portfolio of brands what they are today.

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