Von der walisischen Destillerie Penderyn haben wir vor kurzem berichtet, dass ihr neues Bottling aus der Reihe „Icons of Wales“ derweilen nur für den britischen Markt erscheinen wird.
Nun haben wir von der Destillerie dazu eine Presseaussendung erhalten, in der auch die Verbindung der Veröffentlichung mit einer Kampagne gegen Obdachlosigkeit und für Menschen mit mentalen Problemen in Wales berichtet wird (1 Pfund pro Flasche geht an zwei walisische Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen namens Hafal und Llamau, die sich beide dieser Thematik annehmen.
Neben der Pressemitteilung informiert man uns auch für unsere Leser über das momentane Logistikproblem, das nicht nur Penderyn, sondern die gesamte Industie in UK betrifft. Eigentlich war der Start der Abfüllung in vielen verschiedenen Märkten geplant, aber das, was Penderyn als „Logistics Hell“ bezeichnet, hat diesen internationalen Release massiv gestört.
49 Unternehmen haben einen offenen Brief geschrieben, in dem darauf hingewiesen wurde, dass auf Grund der massiven Störungen der Logistik auch in Großbritannien die Versorgung mit Spirituosen und Weinen zu Weihnachten gefärdet sei (die BBC hat hier ausführlich darüber berichtet).
Dem Release von Penderyn Hiraeth ergeht es ähnlich – man schreibt uns von fehlenden Flaschen, da der Import der Gebinde aus Frankreich und China momentan nicht möglich sei. Die Veröffentlichung von Penderyn Hiraeth wird am 10. Dezember daher nur mit einer stark reduzierten Menge möglich sein, die internationale Auslieferung gänzlich verschoben werden müssen.
Das bedeutet für Penderyn-Fans in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz leider eine längere Wartezeit.
Hier nun aber die Pressemitteilung über den Penderyn Hiraeth, begleitet von einem Link auf einen Artikel über die Charity-Aktion und einem Video dazu:
Penderyn Distillery Release ‘Hiraeth’ Icons of Wales Whisky Edition
With £1 From The Sale Of Every Bottle Going To Hiraeth.Live Campaign For Welsh Homelessness, Mental Health Issues
Penderyn Distillery (The Welsh Whisky Company) are releasing their special Hiraeth whisky, with £1 from the sale of every bottle going towards the Hiraeth.Live campaign for Welsh homelessness and mental health issues.

The initial issuing will be in the UK with global distribution to follow. This long-awaited release delayed by supply chain issues is finally being released in limited quantities for 2021 with growing availability next year.
Hiraeth is the 8th in Penderyn’s Icons of Wales series, which has previously included bottlings celebrating Dylan Thomas, Sir Bryn Terfel and Rhiannon from medieval Welsh literature. The whisky is an Ex-Bourbon cask finish, at 46%, and is a milestone release for Penderyn as it is the first time we release a core range expression single malt mostly based on the production on the more traditional double distillation still we introduced in 2014.
The Welsh language is one of the oldest in Europe and one of the most evocative Welsh words is ‘Hiraeth’ – a powerful word, especially to the Welsh people around the world. Hiraeth can mean ‘yearning’ or ‘homesickness’ and is often considered by many to be untranslatable. BBC broadcaster Roy Noble, and one of our directors summed it up very well as, “a longing for your homeland, your heritage and your very being”.
Penderyn were among a number of Welsh businesses who set up a campaign: www.hiraeth.live – raising money for two Welsh charities, Hafal and Llamau.
Hafal works with people across Wales who live with mental illness, or care for someone who does. Llamau’s mission is to end youth homelessness and homelessness for women in Wales.
Penderyn will contribute towards this project donating £1 from every bottle of Hiraeth sold.
The Hiraeth.live project has been asking Welsh celebrities and the public to send in videos, paintings, writings about Hiraeth and a selection of videos, including Sir Bryn Terfel, footballer Aaron Ramsey and singer Bonnie Tyler, can be seen here:
Alun Thomas, Chief Executive of Hafal, said:
“We are hugely grateful to the Hiraeth,Live project for raising vital funds for Hafal. We have all been fascinated by the discussions about ‘Hiraeth’ and it’s wonderful that the debate is being used as an opportunity to support some of the most vulnerable people across Wales. A big ‘Diolch’ from all our clients, Members, volunteers and staff!”
Fran Beecher, Chief Executive, Llamau, said:
“We are determined to end homelessness for young people and women in Wales as everyone deserves to feel that sense of belonging, or Hiraeth. Llamau are thrilled to be partnering with The Hiraeth Campaign. Thank you”.
Stephen Davies, Penderyn’s CEO, says:
“We are delighted to create this new whisky celebrating Hiraeth, a word known to Welsh people around the world, but also a word that has meanings in other languages. During the pandemic many people have been unable to travel home, and anyone from any country who misses their homeland will feel ‘Hiraeth’. As Penderyn is the spirit of Wales, it seemed a perfect word to celebrate with this new Icons of Wales bottling.”
Please see article from Fundraising Magazine on the link below.