Nach drei Jahren im Stillen und Geheimen destillieren, in Fässer füllen und reifen lassen, kündigt die Lochlea Distillery in ihrer heutigen Presseaussendung ihren ersten Whisky zum Ende des Jahres an! Und wir sind überrascht, denn von dieser Brennerei erfahren wir heute zum ersten Mal.
Die Planung dieser Brennerei begannen 2014, nach vier weiteren Jahren und einer Investition von £6 Mio. wurde in der Lochlea Distillery im August 2018 der erste Spirit destilliert und in Fässer gefüllt. Hinter der Destillerie steht Malcolm Rennie, der auf eine 34-jahrige Tätigkeit in der Whiskyindustrie zurückblicken kann. Unter anderem war er Kilchoman, Bruichladdich und Ardbeg beschäftigt.
Im Anschluss an die englischsprachige Pressemitteilung finden Sie eine kleine Diashow mit Bildern, die uns die Brennerei zur Verfügung gestellt hat, und die Ihnen einen näheren Eindruck der Lochlea Distillery vermitteln können:
Under the cover of Lochlea Farm in Ayrshire, the independently owned distillery has been quietly distilling, casking and maturing their masterpiece readying to launch Lochlea Whisky. Their first expression, which will carve out a unique space in the whisky market, is expected to be unveiled in late 2021.
The Lochlea Distillery team has been working on creating a truly distinct whisky under the watchful eye of distillery manager and industry authority, Malcolm Rennie.
With 34 years in the whisky industry, Malcolm cut his teeth on Kilchoman, Bruichladdich and Ardbeg but sees Lochlea Whisky as the result of his life’s work.
Commenting on the news, Malcolm said:
“Ensuring full traceability from field to cask is vital for us. We grow and harvest our own barley on Lochlea farm with the resulting draff used to feed local cattle and the water is sourced on-site. We’ve been able to take advantage of Ayrshire’s natural resources and in doing so it keeps our carbon footprint to a minimum.”
Lochlea Distillery is the result of a £6m investment. Planning of the purpose built facility started in 2014 with everything from the groundwork and foundations, through to installation of the still house equipment, taking four years to complete. Production of the liquid started in August 2018 with the first casks filled and stock laid down in their on-site warehouse.
Ayrshire local and Lochlea Whisky commercial manager, David Ferguson, said:
“Lochlea Whisky will carve out its own unique place in the industry. The new make spirit is bursting with orchard fruit and has a beautiful elegance way beyond its years.
“Lochlea Farm is deeply rooted in Scottish history and is known for being the home and work place of Robert Burns from 1777 to 1784. Burns is known for his honest, passionate and progressive nature and this has inspired some of Lochlea Distillery’s core values.”
The first bottling of Lochlea Whisky is expected to take place in late 2021. To follow their journey from grain to glass, follow Lochlea Whisky on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
About Lochlea Whisky
Lochlea Whisky is an independently owned distillery that has been quietly distilling, casking and maturing under distillery manager, Malcolm Rennie’s watchful eye, since 2018.
Based in Ayrshire, Lochlea Distillery, which is also home to a working farm, is rooted in history having been the home and workplace of Robert Burns from 1777 to 1784.
Facebook: Lochlea Whisky
Twitter: LochleaWhisky
Instagram: LochleaWhisky