Montag, 06. Januar 2025, 05:47:09

PR: Walsh Whiskey und Illva Saronno gehen getrennte Wege

Illva Saronno wird die Brennerei übernehmen, die Iren behalten die Marken.

Paukenschlag zum Wochenende: Soeben haben wir eine Pressemitteilung erhalten, die den Demerger zwischen der irischen Walsh Whiskey Distillery (Writers‘ Tears) und Illva Saronno bekanntgibt, die seit Oktober 2013 bestand (wir berichteten hier). Wie das passiert, ist erwähnenswert: Die Italiener werden die Destillerie übernehmen und in „Royal Oak Distillery“ umbenennen, die Iren behalten die beiden Marken und The Irishman. Grund für diesen abrupten Schritt sind unüberbrückbare Differenzen in der Ansicht über die zukünftige Ausgestaltung der Zusammenarbeit. Hier die Pressemitteilung in Englisch:


Whiskey brands and distillery businesses split with immediate effect and without redundancies.

25 January, 2019: The Directors of Walsh Whiskey Distillery have decided to split the business by separating out the existing drinks brands business, built on the Writers’ Tears and The Irishman premium and super-premium Irish whiskeys, from the distillery business at Royal Oak, in Ireland’s County Carlow.

Current sales, marketing and distilling objectives are being fully met, however the Irish and Italian Directors differ on how to develop the combined business into the future.

This change will result in the Irish directors taking full control of the existing drinks brands business built on the Writers’ Tears and The Irishman brands that are among the most popular premium and super-premium Irish whiskeys in the world being sold in 50 countries worldwide. Consumers of Writers’ Tears and The Irishman portfolio of brands are assured of their uninterrupted availability. This business will continue to trade under the name Walsh Whiskey.

Photograph Nick Bradshaw

Illva Saronno will take full ownership of the distillery, which is renamed “Royal Oak Distillery”. Illva’s objective is to further enhance Royal Oak as a centre of excellence in Irish whiskey making by continuously improving its technology and processes, producing all three styles, Malt, Pot and Grain under one roof, enhancing the visitor experience and achieving recognition as one of the best quality Irish whiskey producers in the market.

The separation of the businesses is effective immediately.

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