Freitag, 03. Januar 2025, 14:15:43

Teeling zum zweiten Mal als “World’s Best Single Pot Still” ausgezeichnet – Rob Cadwell ist “World’s Best Brand Ambassador”

Zwei hohe Auszeichnungen, die die Dubliner Destillerie bei den 2022 World Whiskies Awards erringen konnte...

Doppelter Grund zur Freude bei der Teeling Distillery: Der in Dublin destillierte Teeling Single Pot Still ist bei den World Whisky Awards 2022 als “World’s Best Single Pot Still” ausgezeichnet worden – und Rod Cadwell, der Teeling als Brand Ambassador vertritt, wurde ebendort zum weltbesten Brand Ambassador gekürt.

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Teeling Whiskey Crowned World’s Best For The Second Time

We are extremely proud to announce that our Dublin distilled Single Pot Still has claimed the prestigious title of the “World’s Best Single Pot Still” at the 2022 World Whiskies Awards. This success follows on from  achieving the pinnacle of “World’s Best Single Malt” at these awards in 2019. 

By winning, this second “World’s Best” title we have again made history as the first whiskey to be honoured across two different categories. The awards were held at the exclusive 2022 World Whiskies Awards ceremony held in the Honourable Artillery Company in London on Thursday 24th March 2022.
Speaking on the award win, Jack Teeling, Founder and Managing Director of Teeling Whiskey said; 

“Since reviving our old family trademark of Teeling Whiskey back in 2012, we have endeavoured to make sure every bottle of Irish whiskey is of the highest quality. To be honoured once as the World Best Single Malt back in 2019 felt like a pinnacle of all our efforts. However, being honoured as the World’s Best for the second time, this time for our Dublin distilled Single Pot Still against well-established competitors who have dominated the Single Pot Still category, has proven our new distillery is world class. We are now right back at the top table of global whiskey and we look forward to continuing to lead this new golden era for Irish whiskey.”

The Teeling Whiskey Wonders of Wood Single Pot Still is a new limited edition series of unique bottlings of Dublin distilled Single Pot Still given maturation in unique wood barrels. The first edition of our WOW bottlings, which was honoured as the World’s Best, consists of Single Pot Still crafted from a recipe of 50% malted barley and 50% un-malted barley, which has been triple distilled in the Teeling Whiskey Distillery in Dublin and then fully matured in virgin Chinkapin American White Oak barrels. The First Edition of this new WOW series is limited to 9,000 70cl bottles being sold in Ireland and around the world and 7,000 bottles exclusively for the US.

To ensure the celebrations went long into the night, we were also honoured with  another “World’s Best” accolade. Rob Caldwell, Teeling Whiskey’s Global Brand Ambassador, was chosen as the “World’s Best Brand Ambassador” for all his efforts in educating and representing Teeling and Irish Whiskey around the world over the last four years. 

To find out more about our World’s Best Single Post Still please email or visit

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