Eine neue Webseite, neue Anzeigen, ein neuer Brand Spot, das sind nur einige der Komponenten für die weltweite Markenkampagne „People are good for you“ – frei übersetzt in etwa „Menschen tun Dir gut“, von Jim Beam. Auch zu ihr gehören ein neuer visueller Markenauftritt und eine adaptierte Verpackung.
Ziel der neuen weltweiten Kampagne ist es, laut der nachfolgenden Presseaussendung, eine stärkere emotionale Verbindung von Jim Beam zur jungen Zielgruppe zu erhalten.
Hier die Aussendung, die dazu gestaltet wurde, und das Video:
Presseartikel | Für den Inhalt ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich |
Campaign kicks off with spot set to tune of iconic ‚Sweet Caroline,‘ bringing to life the importance of real human connections
CLERMONT, Ky., May 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Jim Beam, the world’s number one bourbon and enduring American icon, announces the launch of its new global brand campaign to celebrate the notion that „People Are Good For You.“ The campaign, which includes a new website and advertising, accompanied by the rollout of a new visual identity and packaging, kicks off the brand’s strategy to reinvigorate and drive an emotional connection between Jim Beam and the next generation of consumers.
„We started this process by going back to our heritage as a brand crafted through the generations by the first family of bourbon. Jim Beam is an iconic brand that has celebrated the power of human connection for over two hundred years, going back to the front porch of the Beam family home where everyone was welcome. Our new global brand campaign puts our authenticity and warmth on full display and reminds audiences that there’s no feeling more special than being around other people.“
Jim Beam Global Brand Vice President Veronique Mura
Launching today in the U.S., the new spot, including :15, :30, and :60 second versions, marks the start of a global campaign for Jim Beam that will debut in additional markets later this year. Set to the tune of one of the most iconic connection songs, ‚Sweet Caroline‘ by musical artist Neil Diamond, the spot leans directly into the new campaign ethos that people are good for you. The ad captures a moment of human connection by showcasing a community united in a spontaneous moment of joy – whether at a bar with close friends or ones you’ve just met – that reflects the welcoming spirit of Jim Beam.
Honoring the DNA of the brand, the refreshed visual identity started with an exploration of Jim Beam through the generations. It continues the down-to-earth warmth and welcoming informality that the brand is known for. From its logo featuring the iconic rosette, packaging, website and all consumer touchpoints, the visual identity will debut in the U.S. and Japan in June and then follow globally.
The new campaign will be featured across all media channels, including broadcast, streaming, digital and social.
The ad was directed by Noam Murro with creative by Leo Burnett and the new Jim Beam visual design was created in partnership with Turner Duckworth.