Gute Neuigkeiten aus Wales: Wie die Destillerie Penderyn soeben mitteilte, hat sie die Baugenehmigung für die neue Brennerei in der Lloyd Street in Llandudno erhalten (über die ersten Pläne dazu berichteten wir bereits im letzten September hier). Zur neuen Brennerei wird man dort auch ein Besucherzentrum und Räumlichkeiten für Meetings bauen, sowie einen Parkplatz für 53 Fahrzeuge. Mit der Fertigstellung rechnet man im Frühjahr 2021.
Das hier schreibt die Brennerei darüber in ihrer Aussendung:
Penderyn Secures Planning for Llandudno Distillery
Planning for Penderyn’s second distillery, which is to be housed in the former Old Board School in Lloyd St, Llandudno, has been passed by Conwy Council. This is great news for Penderyn and means (Covid permitting) that the distillery will be ready for opening to the public in Spring 2021.

The distillery will also house a visitor and meeting centre, plus parking for 53 vehicles. The building dates from 1882, and later became the Conwy Archives. Councillors voted by 12 to 1 to approve the plans, and have received the stamp of approval from Lord Elis-Thomas, Welsh Government’s deputy minister for culture, sport and tourism.

Neil Quigley, Penderyn’s Director of Operations, who is in charge of the Llandudno project said:
‘We are very pleased to have passed the committee stage and are looking forward to progressing with the development of the Llandudno Lloyd St site. Our aim, and of course we are aware of the current situation with regard to Covid 19, is to commence operations at this boutique distillery later in the year in readiness for an official opening in Spring 2021. Generating a single cask per day, we are very excited about bringing Penderyn to Llandudno, and are looking forward to our large customer base in North Wales visiting the new distillery.’
Stephen Davies, Chief Executive of Penderyn Distillery, said:
‘We believe the distillery will allow us to introduce unique and innovative single malt whiskies, distilled in North Wales, as well as providing an attraction that will complement the already vibrant and diverse tourism scene in North Wales, and contribute towards extending the visitor season further.’