Freitag, 07. März 2025, 04:20:15

Brave New Spirits startet „Cask Split“

Der unabhängige Abfüller möchte maßgeschneiderte Einzelfass-Abfüllungen einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich machen

Der in Glasgow ansässige unabhängige Abfüller Brave New Spirits stellte in dieser Woche sein Programm Cask Split vor. Dieses richtet sich an Interessierte an eigenen Einzelfass-Abfüllungen, die allerdings nicht gleich ein ganzes Fass ihr eigen nennen möchten. Das ganze Jahr über wird Brave New Spirits in regelmäßigen Abständen eine kuratierte Liste von Fässern veröffentlichen. Kunden können eine bestimmte Anzahl Flaschen aus jedem Fass käuflich erwerben, sich für eine bestimmte Glasflaschen entscheiden, ein eigenes Label auswählen, und so ein eigenes Single Cask Bottling kreieren.

Mehr Informationen zum Programm Cask Split finden Sie auf der dazu gehörenden Website sowie in der nun folgenden englischsprachigen Presseaussendung, die wir von Brave New Spirits erhalten haben:

PresseartikelFür den Inhalt ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich

Brave New Spirits Launch “Cask Split” Programme

A new opportunity for single cask bottlings, without the requirement to purchase full casks.

Brave New Spirits, the Glasgow-based independent bottler currently constructing the new Witchburn Distillery in Campbeltown, this week announced details of a new initiative to bring bespoke, single cask whisky bottlings to a wider audience.

Their new Cask Split programme will see the company releasing a curated list of casks at regular intervals through the year. The Brave New Spirits team have selected the casks to offer great flavour & high quality, with a variety of distilleries and cask-styles available.

Customers will be able to purchase a pre-determined number of bottles from each cask, select one of three different glass bottle styles held in stock, and design or supply their own label. The Brave New Spirits team will also be able to advise on packaging options, invoicing, logistics and duty / customs obligations in each country.

A spokesperson for Brave New Spirits stated:

“We’ve developed the Cask Split programme in response to an increasing number of enquiries from businesses seeking more exclusive whisky options. With Cask Split, bespoke whiskies can be selected and designed for hospitality venues, events organisers, anniversaries & corporate gifting companies keen to create their own special dram”

For further information on the new service, interested parties are invited to visit the BNS website here:

Brave New Spirits were founded in 2020 and are based at their own bonded warehouse in Glasgow.
They produce their own ranges of Scotch Whisky, including volume brands Lighthouse & Highland Shepherd, and small batch & single cask WhiskyHeroes & Whisky Of Voodoo ranges. The company has received many top accolades for their whiskies, from international tasting panels such as The World Whiskies Awards, The Global Spirits Masters, and The International Wine & Spirits Competition (IWSC)
The company is currently constructing Witchburn Distillery in Campbeltown. The new, innovative distillery is scheduled to commence production in late 2024/early 2025.

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