Freitag, 07. Februar 2025, 13:33:42

Mackmyra Destillerie ist Gastgeber für das Nordic Whisky Forum 2023

Der Ableger des World Whisky Forums findet vom 19. bis 21. Juni in der schwedischen Brennerei statt

Das World Whisky Forum erhält einen Ableger – das Nordic Whisky Forum wird in diesem Jahr erstmals stattfinden, und zwar in Schweden, in der Destillerie Mackmyra. Dieser nordische Ableger trägt der Tatsache Rechnung, dass in den Ländern dort mittlerweile über 60 Destillerien Whisky produzieren.

Was beim Nordic Whisky Forum 2023 vom 19. bis 21. Juni auf dem Programm steht, können Sie unten nachlesen:

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For the first time, the World Whisky Forum will be hosting a regionally focused event, in addition to its main international series. This first iteration of the new regional forums will examine the Nordic whisky industry, and will be hosted by Mackmyra Distillery in Sweden on 19-21 June 2023. 

The World Whisky Forum has established a reputation for providing a uniquely collaborative and open space for discussion across the international whisky making community. In recent years, the need was recognized for a similar space in which regions could drill down into the specific challenges facing their area. This new regional series of forums provides the perfect platform for such discussions. 

In recent decades, Nordic whisky production has expanded impressively. No fewer than sixty distilleries around the Nordics now produce whisky. From Kyrö and Teerenpeli in the east to Floki in Iceland in the west. From Aurora outside Tromsø in the North, to Stauning Whisky inthe South. The whisky industry here features a wealth of diverse and innovative production: rye, wheat or barley; local maltings and indigenous materials; innovative energy projects. What is happening in the Nordics creates headlines around the whisky world.

The Nordic Whisky Forum will focus on three key areas; the relationship between producers and the three major monopolies, how to build successful distribution outside the home market, and the question of regional cooperation. The panel of speakers includes representatives of the monopolies, key figures from international distribution and retail, and fellow producers who have successfully expanded their brands outside their home markets. As ever, the discussions will be moderated by Dave Broom. 

For more details, visit 

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