Freitag, 07. Februar 2025, 19:07:36

Neu: Macallan The Reach 81yo, der älteste jemals abgefüllte Macallan

Nach dem Gordon & MacPhail Generations 80yo ist der Macallan nun mit 81 Jahren wohl der älteste Whisky der Welt

Bis heute war er der Throninhaber: Der Gordon & MacPhail Generations 80yo, ein Glenlivet aus dem Jahr 1940. Nun ist der König tot, es lebe der neue König: Mit 81 Jahren ist der Macallan The Reach 81yo wohl der neue älteste Whisky der Welt – auch wenn ihn The Macallan „nur“ als den ältesten Macallan, der jemals veröffentlicht wurde, bezeichnet

Und im Vergleich ist der im Jahr 1940 destillierte Macallan The Reach ein echtes Schnäppchen: Erzielte die erste Flasche von Gordon & MacPhail in einer Auktion in Asien 146.000 Euro, so ist der Macallan um 92.000 Pfund, also ca. 102.000 Euro zu haben. Ab heute in der Destillerie (es gibt 288 Flaschen), und später dann in ausgewählten Geschäften rund um die Welt.

Für die Verpackung des Macallan The Reach hat man in die Vollen gegriffen: Wir lassen hier zunächst einmal das Bild wirken:

Der Kristalldekanter wird von drei Bronzehänden gehalten, und jede Hand steht für Menschen aus der Geschichte Macallans: Eine für die Mitarbeiter der Brennerei, die diesen Whisky im Kriegsjahr 1940 brannten, eine gehört zu Chairman Allan Shiach, dessen Großvater zu dieser Zeit die Brennerei leitete, und eine gehört Kirsteen Campbell, die das Fass aus dem Jahr 1940 aussuchte.

Der Whisky in der Beschreibung von Kirsten Campbell:

Its deep auburn hue is the first hint of this remarkable whisky’s astonishing depth. Offering notes of dark chocolate, sweet cinnamon and aromatic peat, leading on to treacle toffee, crystalised ginger and charred pineapple, before giving way to an intensely rich, sweet and smoky finish.

Das sind die technischen Daten sowie die offiziellen Tasting Notes:

  • Colour: Deep auburn
  • ABV: 41.6%
  • Nose: Dark chocolate, sweet cinnamon, aromatic peat, plums, leather, pink grapefruit, redcurrant jelly and a rich resinous note.
  • Palate: Treacle toffee, bramble jam, liquorice, crystalised ginger, nutmeg, charred pineapple, pecans, woodsmoke.
  • Finish: Intensely rich, sweet and smoky.

Ob es einige der Flaschen auch nach Deutschland schaffen, wissen wir noch nicht. Sollte es aber Infos dazu geben, teilen wir sie gerne mit Ihnen.

Und dann gibt es noch eine offizielle Pressemitteilung, die wir Ihnen natürlich auch nicht vorenthalten wollen:

PresseartikelFür den Inhalt ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich



The Macallan has unveiled The Reach, an incomparable single malt whisky that reflects an extraordinary moment in time and exemplifies the enduring spirit that has been at the heart of the brand for almost 200 years.

Crafted during the Second World War in a period of increasing hardship, The Reach was laid to rest in 1940 before The Macallan was compelled to close its doors for the first time in its history.

Its very existence is testament to the care and commitment to uncompromised excellence that has driven The Macallan since it was founded in 1824. It also pays tribute to those who strived amid great adversity to resume distilling The Macallan’s spirit, as well as the craftspeople today who continue to uphold the brand’s values.

A rare single malt at 81 Years Old, The Reach is the oldest whisky ever released by The Macallan, crafted from a single, sherry seasoned oak cask. The dark, precious whisky is encased in an exquisite decanter created from mouth-blown, hot glass, cradled on a bronze sculpture of three hands.

Each hand represents characters in The Macallan’s history and their unique story. One commemorates the Distillery workers of 1940 who crafted the spirit into existence, in challenging times, over eight decades ago. Another is the hand of one-time chairman, Allan Shiach, whose grandfather headed the company when this remarkable spirit was first consigned to its cask. The third is that of today’s Master Whisky Maker, Kirsteen Campbell, who carefully selected the 1940 cask used to create The Reach, deciding that now was the time to share this precious whisky with the world.

Kirsteen Campbell, Master Whisky Maker, The Macallan, said:

“It is an honour to introduce The Reach. Created during a turbulent time in the world, this extraordinary expression showcases The Macallan’s history, ingenuity and unmistakable strength of character. 

“The creation of many hands, The Reach has been a truly collaborative effort. It’s also a tribute to the people who made this precious whisky, and their enduring spirit which never wavered. 

“Its deep auburn hue is the first hint of this remarkable whisky’s astonishing depth. Offering notes of dark chocolate, sweet cinnamon and aromatic peat, leading on to treacle toffee, crystalised ginger and charred pineapple, before giving way to an intensely rich, sweet and smoky finish.”

Reflecting its rarity and significance, The Reach is presented in unique packaging brought together by a collective of Scottish artisans. A tale of collaboration and connectivity, the result is a handcrafted quartet of liquid, glass, bronze and wood that is a fitting tribute to this very special whisky.

Sculptor Saskia Robinson created the timeless sculpture featuring three hands, producing countless drawings from every perspective before working in a physical medium. The veins, nails and skin detail are recorded in extraordinary accuracy, modelled on an artist’s impression of a hand of one of those original stillmen. The sculpture is cast in bronze and the glimmer of the metal contrasts beautifully with the dark amber whisky.

The surface of the glass decanter features subtle indentations that match the fingerprints of the bronze hands which support it, while a beautiful cabinet crafted using wood from a fallen elm tree, which is thought to have been on The Macallan Estate in 1940, houses the decanter.

A film has been created by renowned London-based photographer Nadav Kander working closely with his art director, Matt Willey, who was previously the art director at The New York Times Magazine. Featuring original music composed and recorded by Scottish band Mogwai, recently shortlisted for the prestigious Mercury Prize, it tells the story of The Macallan’s legacy and the collaborative process behind The Reach.

Highly limited to only 288 decanters worldwide, The Reach will be on display at The Macallan Estate Boutique from 9th February 2022 and later in The Macallan domestic and travel retail Boutiques. The RSP is $125,000 / £92,000 / €110,000.

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