Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 19:07:05

Sir Ian Good CBE im Alter von 80 Jahren verstorben

Der ehemalige Vorsitzende der Edrington Goup war zwischen 2000 und 2005 auch Vorsitzender der Scotch Whisky Association

Wie der Website der Edrington Goup zu lesen ist, verstarb in der vergangenen Woche der ehemalige Vorsitzende Sir Ian Good CBE im Alter von 80 Jahren.

Zwischen 2000 und 2005 war er zudem auch Vorsitzender der Scotch Whisky Association, die Edrington Goup würdigt ihn als als eine zentrale Figur in der Geschichte des Unternehmens:

„Sir Ian will be remembered as a key architect of the Edrington we know today. He worked with the Robertson sisters and led a team that transformed our business from a Whisky blender and broker to an international premium Spirits company. He also introduced employee share ownership that has allowed so many employees to share in Edrington’s success.

‌‌“Sir Ian cared deeply about Edrington’s people and the empathetic, supportive culture we feel in the business today is in large part a legacy of that. He also believed in striving for ‘Excellence’, which remains one of our core values.

‌‌“I had the privilege to work with Sir Ian for a few years before he retired, and to see him occasionally after that. Whilst he could be robust when he had to be, the man I knew was one of the cleverest, kindest and most compassionate that I have met. We owe him a debt of gratitude for his legacy. He will be sadly missed.”

Innerhalb der Edrington Goup sprechen alle Lady Irene, seinen Töchtern und seiner ganzen Familie ihr aufrichtiges Beileid aus, dem wir uns anschließen möchten.

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