Freitag, 07. März 2025, 04:08:49

Teerenpeli Distillery wieder auf der Shortlist für den IWSC Worldwide Whiskey Producer Award

Nach dem Gewinn der Trophäe im Jahr 2020 ist die erneute Shortlist-Aufnahme ein weiterer Beweis für die Qualität der Whiskys von dort

Die finnische Teerenpeli Distillery hat schon einmal vor vier Jahren, im Jahr 2020, den Titel „Worldwide Whiskey Producer“ (eine Auszeichnung für die Gesamtqualität der Produkte) bei der IWSC (International Wine & Spirit Competition) errungen – eine Auszeichnung, die nicht automatisch vergeben wird, und in der Shortlist landen zudem nur sehr wenige Brennereien.

Umso bemerkenswerter ist es, dass die Teerenpeli Distillery (über die Sie bei uns in der nächsten Zeit einige Artikel lesen werden) jetzt wiederum in die Shortlist für den Award 2024 aufgenommen wurde.

Naturgemäß freut man sich bei der Brennerei darüber und wartet gespannt auf den 12. November, auf den Tag, an dem der Sieger des Wettbewerb bekanntgegeben wird.

Hier einmal die Presseaussendung, die wir von Terenpeeli dazu erhalten haben:

PresseartikelFür den Inhalt ist das Unternehmen verantwortlich

Teerenpeli Distillery is nominated again for IWSC Worldwide Whiskey Producer

Teerenpeli Brewery G Distillery is shortlisted for IWSC Worldwide Whiskey Producer -award for the second time. The competition is an invitational competition, and only few whisky distilleries are shortlisted for the award. The International Wine G Spirit Competition, IWSC, awarded the Finnish Teerenpeli Distillery four years ago as the Worldwide Whiskey Producer 2020 due to overall quality of their products. The winner will be announced in London on the 12th of November 2024.

This is the second time, when Teerenpeli Brewery C Distillery is invited for an international spirits competition, and being shortlisted feels really good again. Four years ago, the award came to Teerenpeli in Finland, so we are excited to see how it rolls out this time,

says Anssi Pyysing, the founder C owner of Teerenpeli Brewery C Distillery.

Teerenpeli single malt whiskies got high scores from the IWSC earlier this year. Teerenpeli Kulo and Aged 15 Years got 98 / 100 points with Gold Outstanding mention. This was the second Gold Outstanding 98 / 100 award for Kulo. More than 1000 whiskies from 36 different countries participated for the competition.

The second nomination on the IWSC Worldwide Whiskey Producer invitational competition is a great honor for us. We are the only Nordic distillery that has won this competition. Three of the high scored whiskies this year have been released after our previous Worldwide Whiskey Producer award in 2020. This proves us, that we have been able to keep up with our high standards and to create more premium single malt whiskies that keep us as one of the best distilleries on a global level

Head Distiller Jaakko Joki.

Teerenpeli Distillery, founded in 2002, is one of the oldest Nordic distilleries and pioneers in sustainability. The production uses renewable energy, created by own wood pellet power plant. The calculated carbon footprint is up to 90 % less compared to natural gas or oil. Single malt whiskies are matured in upcycled sea containers, where 30 Celsius degree temperature changes elevate the maturation process. Teerenpeli has changed their whisky bottles for more light weight and sustainable this year, and the packaging is produced locally in Lahti. The global whisky market is getting more interested in sustainability and international spirits awards.

With the 2020 Worldwide Whiskey Producer -award our domestic and international whisky sales grew significantly. Due to the award, we’ve gotten importers on three continents and Teerenpeli single malt whiskies are now available in more than 15 countries in addition to domestic and travel C retail markets. We’re positive the IWSC shortlist nomination will introduce us for new whisky fans all over the world, who will discover Teerenpeli and enjoy our premium single malt whiskies from Finland,

comments the Sales C Marketing Manager Veera Pastinen from Teerenpeli Brewery C Distillery.

The IWSC Worldwide Whiskey Producer 2024 will be announced among the shortlisted distilleries in London on Tuesday the 12th of November 2024.

Further information on the competition and Teerenpeli Distillery:

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