Freitag, 07. März 2025, 04:02:21

The Glenlivet stellt ihre neuen Twist & Mix Cocktails in den USA vor

Durch Drehen des Flaschenverschlusses entstehen die Whisky-Cocktails Old Fashioned und New Manhattan

Auf dem US-amerikanische Markt führt die Speyside-Brennerei The Glenlivet eine neue Linie von servierfertigen Cocktails auf Whisky-Basis ein, bei denen etwas mehr Technik eingesetzt wird als bei gewöhnlichen RTD-Cocktails. Durch Drehen des Flaschenverschlusses werden, so lesen wir in der englischsprachigen Pressemitteilung, die wir über PR Newswire for Journalists erhalten haben, eine Ladung Cocktailaromen in den Glenlivet Single Malt gemischt, und der hochwertige, frisch gemixte Cocktail ist bereits fertig. Und so einfach sieht es auch im Promotion-Video aus, welches auf dem Youtube-Kanal ‚The Glenlivet Whisky‘ zu finden ist, und das wir hier einbetten:

Angeboten werden zur Zeit die beiden Whisky-Cocktails Old Fashioned und New Manhattan, Weiteres zu den The Glenlivet Twist & Mix Cocktails finden Sie folgend in der englischsprachigen Pressemitteilung:

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Experience a new way to cocktail with The Glenlivet’s collection of premium, ready-to-serve cocktails that can be mixed in the moment with a simple twist of an innovative cap using boundary-breaking technology

NEW YORK, Aug. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Glenlivet Speyside single malt scotch whisky continues to break conventions with the introduction of The Glenlivet Twist & Mix Cocktails, a new line of premium, ready-to-serve, whisky-based cocktails. Using first-to-market technology, the new innovation proves that quality and accessibility are not mutually exclusive – simply twist the cap to mix a burst of cocktail flavorings into The Glenlivet single malt and you have a high-quality, freshly-mixed cocktail. The newest offering from the #1 single malt scotch whisky brand1 elevates at-home entertaining with loved ones by providing a premium, crafted experience without the hassle of leftover ingredients, complex recipes and bar equipment.

The collection is debuting with the Old Fashioned and New Manhattan, bringing the two most popular whisky cocktails served in restaurants2 to consumers‘ homes and offering convenience without sacrificing quality. Maintaining the flavor profiles of the beloved classics, the silky taste of the Old Fashioned is achieved with the tasting notes of orange, nutmeg and cinnamon, while the New Manhattan is a testament to the timeless classic featuring notes of cherry and ginger. The popular cocktails are ready-to-serve with three simple steps: twist the cap, watch it mix, and pour over ice to share and enjoy.

„The launch of The Glenlivet Twist & Mix Cocktails is the latest example of The Glenlivet leading the category in modernizing single malt scotch whisky,“ said Johan Radojewski, Vice President Marketing – Scotch, Irish & Prestige Whisk(e)y, Pernod Ricard USA. „With this new innovative product, we are inspiring people to enjoy single malt scotch whisky on more occasions and providing a solution to meet consumer demand for high quality, freshly mixed cocktails that are easy to serve and enjoy with friends and family.“

With this first-of-its-kind offering for both the scotch and broader spirits category, The Glenlivet Twist & Mix Cocktails continue The Glenlivet’s nearly 200-year history of breaking traditions and setting new standards in single malt scotch whisky and beyond. As consumers continue to seek high quality, fresh tasting cocktails at-home, The Glenlivet seeks to provide the modern whisky drinker with a premium at-home offering so they can enjoy the whisky cocktails they love more often. The innovative twist cap in The Glenlivet Twist & Mix uses Vessl’s patented closure and delivery technology. The offering is housed in elevated, sleek and bold packaging designed by JDO.

„We are impressed how The Glenlivet has adopted the Vessl technology to create high quality, freshly mixed ultra-premium craft cocktails at home with no mess and no effort,“ said Walter D. Apodaca, Jr., Founder and CEO, Vessl, Inc. „This is exactly the kind of forward-thinking use of our technology that we envisioned, and tastes even better than we imagined.“

To discover more and enjoy the deliciously infused The Glenlivet Twist & Mix Cocktails, please visit

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