Dienstag, 17. September 2024, 17:57:04

PR: Buffalo Trace Distillery füllt Fass Nr. 7.000.000

Eine Pressemitteilung in Englisch hat uns von der Destillerie dazu erreicht

Die US-amerikanische Buffalo Trace Distillery aus Kentucky lässt uns wissen, dass man dort einen historischen Meilenstein zu feiern hat: Das sieben millionste Fass wurde befüllt und ins Lagerhaus gebracht. Ganz ohne Zeremonie kann man so ein Jubiläum natürlich nicht geschehen lassen, und auch nicht ohne die dazu passende Pressemitteilung. Der Herkunft geschuldet ist sie englisch gehalten – und da wir nicht annehmen, dass man eine deutsche Fassung erstellen wird, bringen wir sie für Sie so wie sie ist – und das Bild vom Jubiläumsevent natürlich auch:


Warehouse dedication held for Warehouse AA on the Distillery’s farm

FRANKFORT, Franklin County, Ky (April 12, 2018) Marking a significant milestone of growth, Buffalo Trace Distillery rolled out its seven millionth barrel produced since Prohibition on Wednesday and held an official dedication for the first warehouse built on its farm. Tour guide and third-generation employee Freddie Johnson had the honor of carrying on his father’s legacy, and rolled the seven millionth barrel into Warehouse V with a little help from his grandson. Johnson’s late father Jimmy Johnson, a former warehouse supervisor, had notably rolled out each millionth barrel produced at Buffalo Trace since Prohibition.

The seven millionth barrel was rolled into Warehouse V, the world’s smallest bonded warehouse, which was constructed specifically to house each millionth barrel produced at the Distillery following Prohibition.  Up until Wednesday, Warehouse V held the six millionth barrel, which Jimmy Johnson had rolled out at age 92 on May 14, 2008.

A private audience made up mostly of employees witnessed the historic milestone, and Distillery President and CEO Mark Brown spoke briefly.

That same day, the Distillery also officially dedicated the first warehouse, Warehouse AA, built on its farm. Warehouse AA is the first of 30 new warehouses to be built on the Distillery’s farm over the next 10 years, each of which will hold 68,800 barrels. This major expansion of warehouse capacity marks another milestone of growth at the National Historic Landmark Distillery and is part of the first large scale structural expansion at the Distillery’s campus since the 1950s.

The Distillery is moving right along with plans to build a new warehouse on the farm every four months. Warehouse AA is now complete and nearly full with barrels, construction of Warehouse BB is already nearly complete, the foundation for Warehouse CC has been poured and the first ricks are taking shape, and the ground has been prepared for Warehouse DD.

It took nearly 10 years for Buffalo Trace to replace its six millionth barrel with its seven millionth barrel, but the Distillery team is anticipating a much shorter turnaround for the eight millionth barrel as the Distillery is able to expand bourbon production and roll more and more barrels into the warehouses on the farm.

The Distillery plans to bottle the bourbon from the six millionth barrel this summer and offer 375ml bottles of the bourbon to charities for fundraising efforts. Information about how to apply for a bottle will be announced at that time.

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